Chapter 20

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15 minutes. It had only been a quarter of an hour, and Thorne was ready to punch something. There hadn't been a single sign of Cress or her family, nothing to even get suspicious about. If he didn't see her soon, he was going to lose it. Jacin already had stopped him twice from taking a glass of champagne, and once again he was now slapping his friend's hand away disapprovingly.
"Thorne, could you stop and think for once in your miserable life? Of all nights to get drunk, I promise you this would the be worst!" He hissed, pulling him deeper into the shadows and away from the serving table. Thorne shrugged him off and turned back towards the crowd, his fists routinely clenching, unclenching, then closing back up again. Jacin couldn't help but notice that they were in a room filled with gorgeous women, and Thorne wasn't resting his gaze on a single one of them for more than half an instant. Jacin smiled and decided to cut him some slack. After all, everyone acts like a fool in the beginning, right?
Jacin looked back to his left, where Thorne had been moments before. And... was now no longer there. Well that's just brilliant.

Thorne was busy circling the room, scanning everything in his sight for something even slightly familiar. Just as he reached the front of the room, where an official-looking man in a tuxedo was preparing to give a somewhat inspiring speech, he spotted her.
His breath caught painfully as his body froze mid-pace. He could barely take it all in. She was standing near the center of the floor, sandwiched between her parents. He could see her curls hanging just above her swan-like neck, then a few longer strands dangling down her back, which was exposed mid-shoulder blade. Even from here he could see her spine jutting out, but she was still as pure and beautiful as ever. She just didn't know it any more. He'd been the one to take that away.
He grit his teeth, then moved towards her in hopes of pulling her away, when the man spoke out to the awaiting crowd.
"Happy New Year to all! May God bless America, and let the festivities begin!"
The crowd roared in approval, and as they began to shift for the exit, she was once again missing from his sight. He bit back a growl and surged for the exit, breaking into a run halfway across. No way was he going to lose her now. He ignored the shouts of those he ran past, shoving as many as got near him out of the way.
The second he reached the entrance, the sky in front of him exploded. Thorne stumbled back, tingles running down his spine at the sound ringing in his ears. It took noticing that those around him weren't running for their lives to realize that it was only fireworks. He mentally slapped himself in the face before jumping down the steps and heading for the tents, near the bonfire that was already twice the size it'd been before.
There wasn't as many out here yet, and it only took moments to find her this time. He grinned upon catching sight of her glittering gown and pale shoulders glowing in the firelight. Nearby, someone picked up an irish jig, and the groups of people dressed in finery began to break character, and all at once, the night air was filled with wild whoops and laughter as a circle of dancers formed around the bonfire. A flurry of feet and movement tried to distract him, but to no avail. He'd found his Birdy again.


The fire was exactly what she'd been needing, and the instant her parents were forced into a polite conversation they so lived for, she hurried away to stand closer to the fire. She even allowed herself a hint of a smile at the fun radiating off the mass of dancers. If her foot wasn't broken, she would've joined in, to make the most of her last night. Instead, she hung back and enjoyed seeing them all so happy. She wondered what life must feel like for ordinary folks.
Cress was interrupted when a familiar hand cupped her mouth and gathered her skirts in the other, dragging her off to the sidelines before she had time to gain a breath. Cress threw her head back in panic, her back arching against Thorne, but he was too strong, and before she knew it, they were hidden, alone, inside of the cooking tents. The bonfire had called everyone away.
She was allowed air to breathe as he stepped away, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her to look up.
"You didn't fight as hard as I thought you would." He mused, attempting to appear calm. She glared at him with all the fire she could muster, then yanked her skirts up. He glanced down, alarmed at her action, only to see her bruised, swollen ankle, so crooked she hadn't tried to put a sock around it. She watched him gulp and immediately ignored the flash of hurt she thought she could see in his eye. It was probably just guilt. Nothing more.
"I'm guess I...forgot about that one." He could barely meet her eyes now, and she let out a hiss of anger, causing him to take a step back.
"That's all you have to say? One snide comment and then another dumb one? That's IT?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME DIE IN PEACE?" She was screaming now, not trying to hold back her tears. "I BELIEVED IN YOU, AND YOU LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING!" She threw her hands in the air pulling at her hair as if insane. "I thought you were saving me that day, but you were nothing but another thing to break me. You are nothing but a monster."
Thorne opened his mouth to speak, but she threw her hand, hard, against his cheek.
"Don't you dare say anything. YOU'VE GOT NO RIGHT." She cut herself off with a sob that was so powerful, it wracked her whole body and she landed on the ground in front of him. "I was actually stupid enough to think you liked me. That maybe, just maybe, I was more to you than a charity case. But I wasn't even that, was I? I was a problem, a piece of trash that you were paid to get rid of!" She wiped her eyes sloppily before looking back up at him.
"T-the only thing I can't figure o-out, is why you'd come back. We both know I don't have anything to lose any more, so what are you planning on taking away this time?"
Thorne's speech disappeared without a trace from his mind as he stared at the girl laying in front of him. All he wanted was to pull her into his arms and hold her until her tears ran out. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to have to explain. He ran a hand through his hair again before sitting down in front of her, gently pulling her hands away from her face.
She tried to struggle but was just too tired. A lump grew in his throat at how fragile she felt in his hands. It was like holding a glass of water.
"Lemme go, lemme go..." She muttered, staring at him in confusion through red, blurry eyes.
"I know I have no right. I know that I'll never be able to understand how much pain I've put you through, but for right now you have to forget all of that, okay? Be reasonable. For once, I need you to only think about yourself. I have a way and a team to get you out of here. But it won't work unless you cooperate, you hear?"
"What if I don't care about living." It wasn't a question. His jaw tightened as he resisted shaking her vehemently.
"We both know that can't be true. What about Scarlet, and Iko? And Ben, what would Ben think?" She bit her lip so hard that it bled as a fresh set of tears began to trail down her face, washing off the makeup, leaving her pale and sickly.
He sighed, knowing there was only one thing left to say to convince her. It had been his last resort. It was going to hurt like the devil, but it was the only way she'd go with him.
"Cress, I swear to you on my mother's grave that you will never have to see me again after this. I made you a vow that I'd keep you safe from them, and I intend to finish that. After you are taken back to Brooklyn, I'll leave. I'll disappear. Just...let me finish this. Please."
He could barely breathe the pain was so intense.
She was eyeing him carefully, the look of a wounded animal haunting her features.

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