Flirtatious Asian|2p!China|

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This is actually a few months old. I think my actual skills in writing has gotten slightly better and please ignore the many typos in this oneshot.

(F/N)= First Name.
(L/N)= Last Name.
(CYBI]= Country You're Born In.
(FC)=Food Choice.
(E/C)= Eye Colour.

~ Third Person's P.O.V~

A sigh escaped the young woman's lips. Her name was (F/N) (L/N). And she was currently in a bar, surrounded by a bunch of ruckus made by the other customers. The reason why she was there, was because she got fired that day from her job. Only because she wasn't there for at least a week because she went to go to her mother's funeral in (CYBN), she was only going there for a visit but her father was crushed about it and she had to comfort him.

Then, a shout from a woman filled the bar as, what it sounded like, a slap. She turned around, seeing the woman that slapped the man, who seemed to be wasted and now on the floor. Soon, the whole bar was quiet as the woman stormed out of the bar.

" she on her period or somethin'? " (F/N) mumbled. Honestly, she didn't think much about the scene that just happened. So, she spinned around and went back to staring at the wooden counter.

~Timeskip because I'm lazy and tired~

After an hour of staying in the bar, she eventually left the place. She wasn't wasted or anything, she just drank a bit and only went there to watch people suffering so that she wouldn't feel like she's the only one that's having a bad day.

Anyway, as she was walking back to her apartment building, she noticed a man on the sidewalk, passed out. Oh great.... She thought as she walked closer to the man. When she got a closer look, it was the same man from the bar that got slapped!

Her mind had a small debate for a few second, one side was to not help the man, or help the man. She pitied the guy, and tried picking him up, slinging one of his arms around her neck and trying to drag him inside. Not literally- well....kinda?

The man at the front counter gave her a ' What the fuck? ' look, but she only shrugged 'em off and continued to go to her apartment.

Taking the elevator and going to the sixth floor, she soon reached her own apartment. She dragged him to her couch, and basically threw him on it. Wiping the sweat off her face, she had just realized his features. He was pretty good looking to her.

But, she was too tired to do anything else so she quickly took a shower, changed and got into bed. Instantly falling asleep when her head hit the pillow.

~Another timeskip~

The next morning, when she woke up, she went out her room and saw the man sitting up on her couch.

He turned around to her, " Hey, beautiful. " He waved. (F/N) had to process things and slowly her eyes turned wide, " WHO ARE YOU AND WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN MY APART-" The man cut her off, " Zao Wang. And, last thing I remember was passing out on the sidewalk. " His accent just shouted Chinese.

Then the memories came back. (F/N) blushed in embarrassment, " Oh. Yeah, about that, I dragged you back here. Only because I saw what happened in the bar and pitied you. "

Zao smirked, " Are you sure that's the on- fucking hell.." His smirk immediately turned into a frown as he put his hand on his forehead.

"Hangovers suck. I know. " (F/N) went into the kitchen and took out some pain killers and a glass of water. She placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch. So, this man's name is Zao, a hot Chinese guy that was slapped by a woman last night and pitied on.

" Like what you see? " He smirked. She grew flustered and noticed that she was staring, " Flirting with someone you just met? " She crossed her arms. The seemingly young man only chuckled at her reaction.

(F/N) rolled her eyes at him, " Once you feel better, get out of here. " She was quite harsh and blunt. Zao huffed and pouted, " Aww....But I want to stay with you... " He muttered as he took a pain killer and drank the water.

" In your dreams. " She snorted.

" Every night. " He winked. But then he groaned in pain as he put his arm on hid forehead. A slight pink dusted her cheeks as she laughed and walked into her kitchen. Not because she can cook, but because her kitchen counter was where her phone was placed, and she was just going to order something to eat. Her cooking skills weren't the best. At all.

For breakfast, she just called the nearest A&W. (A/N: If you don't like that. Just choose something else---) As she waited for her doorbell to ring, she began thinking about getting another job. But, for now, she's just going to think about getting a part-time job. Not full-time. Maybe at the ba-

Then, her thoughts were interrupted by a certain someone who wanted attention from her. Zao stumbled to (F/N) and sat right across from her, staring right into her eyes, " It's so hard not to get lost in your eyes..."

(F/N) snorted again, " Stop with the cheesy pick-up lines. " Zao chuckled and stood up, and went behind her, resting his head on her shoulder. She felt her face heat up, though, now that he's closer to her, she can smell some type of odd smell on him.

Definitely not colonge, not smoke, either. It was...sweetly alluring. Snapping out of my daze, she nudged him off, " Please get off of me. " She mumbled. Zao frowned and went back to his seat that was across from her.

The two sat in awkward silence, Zao was probably quiet because his head was still pounding. If his head wasn't pounding, he would be flirting his ass off with (F/N).

" Tell me your name. I told you mines almost thirty minutes ago! " He whined. She looked at her phone, " Fifteen minutes ago. " She corrected him.

" Yeah, yeah! Just tell me- "

" (F/N). "

He blinked, and then smirked, " That's such a wonderful name. Wang would make it perfect. " (F/N) groaned and blushed. All the constant flirting was driving her insane! Luckily, the doorbell soon rang and she fucking bolted to the door. First reason, she was starving. Second reason, the flirting.

Anyways, she paid and grabbes the bag and shut the door, not even saying thank you! (Author: smh. ) She drooled as she ran back into the kitchen and slammed the damn thing on the table and opened the bag, taking out a (FC).

Then, she pushed the bag to Zao. He gave her a puzzled look, " Why are you giving me the bag? "

" Thought you might be hungry, so I bought you some food, too. " She said before taking a bite out of her food. Her (E/C) gleamed with joy as she ate. Zao looked at inside the bag. It was the same thing as she was eating, how thoughtful of her. He chuckled and took it out, " I would except this especially from a beautiful woman like you. Even if I don't exactly like it. "

(F/N) rolled her eyes, " Eat it before it gets cold. " Her words were muffled because of the food in her mouth. He stood up and walked over to her, pecking her cheek before happily running off into another room with the food.

She turned red, and she swallowed. Oh that man was getting a beating from her when she busts open the fucking door of the room he's in.

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