Heartbroken|2p! Germany|

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This oneshot was made in the same month as the 2p!China oneshot, please don't expect much from this either.

Maybe a bit angsty??? I'm still trying to improve on my writing skills! But, still, I hope you enjoy. :')

(F/N)= First Name.
(N/N)= Nick Name.
(T/S)= Television Show.
(L/N)= Last Name.

~ (F/N)'s P.O.V ~

It has been years ever since that incident happened. The incident that turned my world upside down. You may ask me what that 'incident' is. Well, the incident is meeting....

My best friend Lutz (or Siegfried).

Giggling to myself as I narrated it dramatically in my head. Currently, I was hanging out at Lutz's place as we watched a few episodes of (T/S). He looled at me with a raised eyebrow, " What? Did I miss a funny part? " He asked, his German accent clear in his voice.

That was one of the many reasons why I fell for him.

" Pshhhh. Nah! Is it wrong for a lady to giggle to herself? " I joked. Though, I don't plan on confessing anytime soon. Really, I know he doesn't like me. People may ask how I really do know that.

It's because he already likes someone else. Luciano.

He said it himself, he liked the guy. That means he doesn't like me. Truly, I tried to keep my mind off of it, and it's actually working! Not. These past few days, he's been asking me for advice about confessing to Luciano. So, I smiled and gave him the advice, I cringed everytime I said the word "love."

Shaking my head slightly, Lutz snorted, " Ja. Whatever you say, (N/N). " Yeah, of course it hurts. But, if I truly love him, I would let him be with the one he loves dearly and be happy.

I want to be happy for him, but I can't. It just hurts too much. Sometimes, I wonder if I would be able to break out of the German's spell. His love spell. But, deep inside, I know it'll take more than a few years to break those chains. Then, once those chains are broken, I'm keeping my little heart safe. No one will reach it. Again.


Unconsciously, I had started to sniff, soon sobbing. Unfortunately, Lutz had to notice. He panicked, " Wait, are you crying!? Oh mein Gott! What happened!? Did I say something!? "

Sniffing, I wiped away the tears in my eyes that had formed. Inhaling and exhaling, I gave Lutz a soft reasurring smile and nodded, giving him a thumbs up, " Totally! I just got something in my eyes! "

Lutz scootched over to me and leaned over, looking into my eyes. I could feel my face heating up, " What are you..doing? " Lutz looked at me, and then backed away chuckling, " I was only seeing if your eyes were okay! That's all. I'm just worried about my best friend! "

Best friend. And that's all I'll ever be. Forever. Forever. It felt like a knife had jabbed into my heart. Something in me felt like it just shattered, and I stood up, " I'm hungry, I'll go take a small snack from the kitchen. " Smiling at Lutz, he smiles awkwardly in response.

Quickly, I rushed to the kitchen. Food always helped me, when I was younger, I joke about how the fridge was my one true love. Hanging out with Lutz, Luciano, and Kuro. It was incredibly stupid, but, that was how I coped with the complex feeling. To this day, I still joke about it.

Choking out a small laugh, I ran my fingers through my hair. This was the emotion I was so afraid of, I tried so hard to not fall in it's deep whole that I could not get out of. Opening the cabinet, I took out some cookies and slowly munched on it.

"Love is Truly a Poison for Our Hearts." 2p!Hetalia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now