Stars in the Sky|2p!America|

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I'm 99% sure this was also produced in the same month or the money after 2p!Germany's and 2p!China's. This was also made as a filler chapter for the Valentine's Day Special I was typing out.

The stars of the dark evening sky shone brightly as James drove to the nearest place that had food. Yes, food. Anyways, all I saw was an occasional glimpse of the sky from the outside of the moving vehicle. It was all quite peaceful, loud music playing in the background-

Wait. What? Since when did the music get so loud? A chuckle from behind me was heard as I turned around in my passenger seat and saw Allen holding his phone and staring at the screen. Groaning, I went back to staring at the front, "Allen, change the music!"

"Nuh-uh (N/N)! " He snickered as he shoved the device in his right pocket. Oh that fucking American bastard.

Then, an argument was broken out in the car. James being James, he kicked both of us out of the car and said that he'll pick us up soon enough. So, now me and Allen are stuck on the side of the road, screeching at each other like highschool chicks who's fighting over a guy. Keep this in mind.

We got kicked out because of our argument of the type of music that was playing. How stupid is that?

Now, the two of us are facing away from each other, Allen's grumbling, and I'm admiring the sky above. The awkward silence loomed above us but soon died down and became more faint.

"Don't the stars look wonderful in the sky?" The words slipped out of my mouth as I thought about how the stars shone with such beauty. As a child, I've always wanted to be a star, literally. I've already forgotten the reason why.

The response I got was a soft snicker from Allen, "Yeah, yeah. Keep your thoughts to yourself, doll." It's been a long time since I actually heard that little pet name.

I snorted and then faced him, "Do you remember when I said I wanted to be an actual star?"

"Duh. It was so stupid."

"Oh, thank you so much." I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Scootching over to him, my gaze went back to the sky, "I had never remembered the reason why. But, I think I said something along the lines of this. " I want to be a star to watch over everyone I love.""

""Especially you, Allen. ""

"I could say the exact same thing to you too, (F/N). "

I'm so sorry that is extremely short! I'll do longer ones after this! I just need to work on the late Valentine's Day Special---

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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