- Chapter 2 -

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*her outfit above*

~One year later~
Aleks pov

When we arrived to the studio, Austin, Zion and Brandon were already there. Nick, Edwin, Mel and I had to snatch some food because we're all fat but that's ok. We need our food; it's our fuel!

"Finally, you guys always take the longest." Austin exclaimed, running toward us. He hugged me and pecked my cheek. Don't get any ideas, we aren't a thing, we're just friends. "Hurry up, let get started."

"I'm the choreographer here." I laughed and pushed Austin out of my way. We all headed to the middle of the studio, we joked around for about five minutes until we eased into being serious. Also, Simon and the guys won't tell me what song this is even to. I can only hear the beat. They are also working with another choreographer that can hear the words and work more moves into my routine and combine them i guess, nick said it's a surprise. It scares me.

After we rehearsed and came up with some new things, since today was the last day for me with them, we all went out and got some pizza. Yes, we eat all the time.

"Can I please get pineapple on one side?" I begged nick.

"No that's disgusting, just get another one." He laughed and flicked my forehead.

"Ew fuck you." I said, stretching out the 'ou.'

I ordered myself a pineapple pizza, we sat down at a booth, well with two chairs at the end because well there are seven of us after all. After we ate and chat about everything that came to mind. I went home with the guys to hang out while Mel went back to our apartment. I always go hang with them and sleep in Austin's room with him.

"Okay, so. I can't decide between the orange dad hat or the yellow one. Help, Austin!" I complained as he sat on the bed on his phone while I sat on the huge bean bag chair on his floor. He usually shared a room with nick but when I came over; nick happily took the guest room. He loves me that much.

"I don't know, the yellow one would look better with your skin color. You just look the best in yellow." He shrugged, smiling at me. I finally made up my mind on a couple of things I wanted and continued the night talking with Austin. We watched some anime too until Austin fell asleep first and turned over and unintentionally threw his arm over me and snored in my ear. I eventually fell asleep too after thinking of how different my life would have been if I had never met Austin and the guys. They've all helped me in their own individual ways.

Austin was the one that practically forced me to get further into dancing. I used to have really bad anxiety and I would dance in my room and only in front of Austin and Zion. Until they decided to drag the others in.

Nick has always taken me out to get food when I need to talk. Whenever I'd had a bad day or week; I could count on him to talk to and he's a great listener when he wants to be.

Brandon has helped me with my self image in my mind. My self esteem and what-have-you. I have a birthmark on my arm which is actually remotely large and i used to hate it.

Edwin has helped me with Spanish because I have some songs I post with that I don't understand the lyrics until he helps. Also some people comment and try to talk to me in Spanish so he's helped there.

And last but not least in any way; Zion has seriously helped me with all of my communication skills and also with my dance moves. They started off pretty rocky because I was in my room dancing with an imaginary audience that I definitely could not conquer in real life, at the time.

So they have all (PRETTYMUCH) helped me with their own personal skills.

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