Live for me (if not for yourself)

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Word count : 6270

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Word count : 6270.

A\N : I'm so insecure about this , this is basically just word Vomit. I really don't know how I fit the whole plot In 6k words. This should be a miracle lol sorry. But I really really enjoyed writing it. I hope you guys enjoy reading. Please vote and comment. Thank you.

A year ago if you'd tell Taehyung that he would be pathetically crying on the bathroom floor of his school, he'd say you're lying.

It started out slow, the falling. It knocked onto Taehyung when he was unaware, he was caught off guard when he started feeling butterflies when his best friend smiled, he wanted that smile to be there always, for him. Then he started noticing the little things, like how Jimin could grin so widely that his eyes would practically disappear, how he always threw himself on Taehyung while laughing hysterically. How his small hands fit perfectly in Taehyung's large ones when they held hands, the feeling of Jimin's body pressed up against his as they cuddled, making Taehyung feel safe,secure. He noticed that Jimin's mood affected his own more than it should, when Jimin was sad, he was sad, when Jimin was happy he was happy. Then he started noticing the distance, how Jimin would always postpone their movie nights, how he'd always smile on his phone and blush when Taehyung would ask about it. Taehyung wasn't dumb, he knew what was going on, he was just too much of a coward to admit that Jimin was slipping away.

Then the bomb drops, they're sitting on Taehyung's couch watching some random movie which they're both not interested in when Jimin lets out a rushed "Taehyung I like this guy" and Taehyung feels the blow, harder than he thought he would. Oh, he was prepared, so prepared but that didn't make it hurt any less. Taehyung dares not to look at Jimin, for if he did, Jimin would notice him slowly breaking down, his bottom lip between his teeth shivering, he would notice the tears Taehyung was holding in so badly, Taehyung knew he would break down then and there, if he made eye contact with Jimin. "Who is he?" Taehyung had asked voice cracking in the end but Jimin was too happy that Taehyung had taken the initiative to know his name, to notice it.

"Yoongi, Min Yoongi." Jimin had finally said and Taehyung instantly knew who the guy was. See the thing about Min Yoongi was, he didn't care, about anything. He hardly ever attended classes, he would punch anything and anyone who came in his way. There were rumors that he was a member of some mafia gang and Taehyung didn't know how his innocent Jimin caught up onto him. If Taehyung was anything near smiles and rainbows then Min Yoongi was scowls and thunder. Taehyung felt bad, very bad , not because Jimin had chosen someone, but Jimin had chosen someone who's not even worthy of him, who's 10 times worse than Taehyung, whom Taehyung didn't know if Jimin would be happy with.

As the days rolled, Jimin and Yoongi made it official, they started hanging out together a lot more often, held hands and shared kissed and Taehyung at that point, didn't know he had a heart in him to break even further. Taehyung wasn't blind, he could see how happy Jimin was when he was with that guy, probably more happier than he was ever in his life. Love does things to you, but look what it did to Taehyung.

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