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Summary : light if easy to love
                     show me darkness,

Jeongguk first meets Taehyung when he's 20. Jeongguk's broody, doesn't have friends, doesn't give shit about what people think, likes to wear black and likes to hook up.

He first sees Taehyung when he's walking down the corridor, hands tucked in his pockets, lips pulled down into a frown because he's forced to attend a lecture he doesn't want to. Just when he's about to turn on a corner, a book comes flying to him, hits him straight on his face. He groans because of the impact, his nose stings a little. Eyes turn dark and body becomes rigid, he finds himself ready to beat the crap out of the person who dared to do this.

Then comes Kim Taehyung. There's a dash of brown when Jeongguk blinks and instantly, his face is cradled into soft hands. The boy gently touching his nose trying not to hurt Jeongguk further.

"I'm so sorry," He murmurs.

"I didn't mean to do that, Jimin was just pestering me about something and I meant to hit him not you..." The boy explains.

Jeongguk wants to say he doesn't care about the reason, the fact that his face got bulldozed by a heavy ass book is it for him. Wants to snarl at the boy and tell him to get his hands off of his face because there's nothing that irritates Jeongguk more than people touching him.

But he doesn't. Instead he gazes at the boy, frozen in his place. Takes in the moles littered on his face, takes in the bow of his lips, takes in the long lashes that keep fluttering as the boy blinks. Relishes in the way the boy's hands touch his skin while staring into those deep almond eyes that are looking at him, curiously.

"Are you okay?" The boy asks once again, his friends gather around him too, some are giving him wary glances because maybe they know who Jeon Jeongguk is. They know no one messes with him, that no one touches him without his permission.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Be careful." Jeongguk replies gruffly as the boy's hands fall from his face. Jeongguk immediately misses the touch. People gasp around him at the act of kindness, they're surprised he hasn't beaten Taehyung to death yet.

"What's your name?" The boy asks.

Jeongguk wants to reply but he's afraid. He's already done too much, felt too much in the span of five minutes, he doesn't do kind that's why he's surprised at urge within him to indulge the boy.

He's never needed to, they just knew. So that's what he does, he doesn't tell him his name, he just walks away.

The boy does find out his name though, through his friends. They tell him all about who Jeon Jeongguk is. They tell him, he's heartless, doesn't know how to feel, doesn't have parents, that he's grown up in a foster home, that he's fucked up, beaten up people more than their fingers can count. They tell him all about how dangerous Jeongguk is, how one should stay away from him. They tell the boy to warn him but it turns out the boy only gets more curious.

Jeongguk finds out the boy's name is Taehyung. No, one one told him how bright and bubbly Taehyung is, no one told him that Taehyung doesn't have anything in his body except kind bone and a heart that only knows how to give. Jeongguk doesn't find out about that, but he does get his name from the boy himself.

He's sitting in a empty classroom when Taehyung approaches him, his steps attentive and hesitant but his eyes fierce. Jeongguk tilts his head and stares, hard. He hopes Taehyung cowers in fear and backs off but he doesn't. That's when he says "I'm Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you, Jeon Jeongguk."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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