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"Damian x wild witch reader"

- Velvadeen

 You didn't specify what gender, so I made the reader a girl. Hope you don't mind!


"Y/N, if you join the coven we'll have much more power to save the world with! Why won't you just do it?" Joy shrieked. I glared at the three other witches, tired of their bullshit.

"I have told you before, I don't believe this world can be saved. Besides, it's more fun to follow my own rules. Now if you would please leave..."

"What if we could find someone to change your mind?" I fully focused on Hope, serious expression on my face.


"Someone to convince you that this world is worth saving?" Faith piped up. I scoffed at them.

"Fools, that's impossible... but if you could somehow find someone like that in three weeks time, without using magical influence, I will join you." They pouted, then smirked.

"We accept this challenge!" They said, before scurrying off to find a such a person. I shook my head and floated the next book I needed from the library shelf. 

Now, being a witch is awesome, but it comes with all sorts of rules. I am determined to break all of them. 

One of the first rules is to join a coven quickly, because power is stronger if multiple people work together. I decided to be a lone wolf and focus on studying how to get the same level of power that's in a group into a single person. It's going rather well I'd say, a few blood rituals here and a human sacrifice there, albeit the council is probably coming for my ass. 

This school is full of airheads and fuck boys, but it's the only place with a unrestricted library in this state, for some reason. My hands held a tower of controversial literature, and I walked back to my table. Before I did though, some asshole minor character knocks me and my books over. He seems to be a chimera like creature. He shakes and apologises, I have a reputation of an unforgiving, cold, and uncaring attitude. I snap my fingers and he falls to the ground, his head flying through the air. There's blood everywhere. He's still alive and runs after his head. Damnit, I have blood on my clothes now!

"Damn! Damien, come check this bitch out!" Polly, an annoying optimistic extroverted ghost, shouts. I glare at her, wishing I could kill her again. I snap my fingers again and my books fly to my table. Polly floats over and rests on the table next to me.

"Go away." 

"No! Don't be like that! We barely know each other! What's your name? I'm-"

"Polly Geist." Her body shifts in excitement.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"You're very well known, mostly for partying and doing drugs."

"Hey ladies, what did I miss?" Polly flies over to Damien.

"Just this badass!" I looked up at the compliment, then back down to my book.



"What, no snarky comment for him?" I shrugged, I kinda like his style.

"Well, you don't seem very badass, other than the blood covering you."

"You missed it man! She snapped her fingers and that guys head came off!" She pointed to the chimera who had just gotten his head back. 

"Cool." I let out an agitated noise.

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