more hcs??? In my oneshot book???

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It's more likely than you think.

These are for the player characters, Zoe, and Calculester


-off topic but he's my fav male character, even beats Scott and Oz

-he's seen your browsing history, and is very concerned

-has 18 plants that he's named and given personality to, and one that he's having trouble picking a name for

-teachers just don't even give him work. Why waste a tree one someone who knows everything?



-Ok, but she's canonically into kpop and I just... ok then. Her favorite group is probably bts. Maybe there's a different canon one, but it's 2 am and I'm not a kpop fan. She reminds me of my classmate, who loves bts so I just did that. I'll stop talking now

-can draw good like wtf

- I see 14,000,605 scenarios. How many you end up taking her to prom? 1


-again off topic but he's my favorite player character

-cannot die because you cannot kill fear. No matter how many people aren't afraid, there will always be one who is. There's no escaping him, for there is no escape from fear. Repent for your death is nigh, because this world's end draws ever closer

-soft anxious boi uwu 

-those little shadow things help him cheat on tests


-a fucking furnace Jesus Christiansen. It's great in the winter but in the summer no one wants to even stand by her. They still do though, because friendship is magic or something

-has a YouTube channel where she does make up tutorials 53% of the time. The other 47% is reddit videos or letsplays with her friends

-plays a lot of fighting games, like Super Smash Bros, Skullgirls, Cuphead ect

-people have 100% toasted marshmallows with her hair before


-happy lil ray of sunshine

-likes both old and wholesome memes 

-plays lots of dating sims

-can't draw a stick person but paints beautiful backgrounds. It's because she watched and painted along with so many Bob Ross videos


-green sans is tired of your bullshit

-his hair is surprisingly soft??

-occasionally hides a puppy in his jacket

-has won every single game of cards against humanity he's ever played because he has a very dark sense of humor. It surprises most people

Hmmmm...... ok then. I'm gonna take off now. Hope you enjoyed.

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