F-F-Father And The Ball

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Chapter 9

So today's the day where my beloved mate be comes king and I show my self to the packs and more importantly my pack.

All together we had 200 packs coming, now think about that their are about 50 to 70 people in each pack so we are going to have a lot of food and now don't forget drinks.

But it's not just the adults we have the children coming I have organised nanny's for all children in one part of the castle.

See so right now I'm making a check in with the captain making sure all is ready the packs should be here in about an hour or less so I'm trying to make sure all is perfect.

I walk thought all corridors and see maids running around like head less chickens. I make my way to the back of the castle to see people with clip boards and the captain talking to one of them.

I make my way to them once the man sees me he bows and leaves me with the captain

"Captain is all ready for tonight"

"Yes my queen we are just setting up the six big houses out side the castle for the packs to sleep" the captain replied

"Very well, Are the nanny's here yet?"

 "Yes my queen they are setting up in the south wing on the 5th floor" he said

"Has my mates crown been placed next to mine in my chambers?"

"Yes my queen"

"Captain I have one more thing to ask have you found your mate yet?"

He looked down with a sad smile "no my queen I have looked for many years but could not find her"

I put my hand on his shoulder and then my scenery changes to the ball room with many people I see the captain and this women. They both say "mate" looking at each other next thing I'm back to the present

I look up at the captain and smile

"Soon really soon" I say

The captain looks at me funny then it seems it clicks

"You mean" he asks with a big smile

"Soon" and then turn and leave

I walk up to my wing and see my mate looking at the crown with a blank face

"David babe you will be a good king" I say walking up behind him

"But what if they hate me" he said turned to look at me in the eyes

I smile at him

"David just think I'm going though the same thing and what is they love you and hate me" this causes him to growl and pull me into a tight hug

"If they hate you I will rip their heads off" he say in a cold voice

I smile at him

"Come on we ant got much time the packs are probably here by now so you have to start getting ready and don't forget I love you"

" I love you more and I really can't wait to have a family and spend my life with you" at that I blush and quickly kiss him on the check and leave

"I love my mate" Emma say just out of the blue

"I do to"

"Oh Liz mom wants to see us" she say in my head

I groan

"But I have to get ready"

"I said come here now child" now that voice I know from anywhere mom

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