The secret affair of the ghost sock

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The rain heavily poored down, and Katie looked out of the window, shaking her head slightly 

She sighed

"Mum, when will we be there?" the girl asked curiously, and her mother looked over at her, her lips twisting up in a smile. 

"Just a while more, my love." the woman said, patting her daughters shoulder.

The carrige came to an halt. 

"We're there." Katies father said, helping first his wife out of the carrige, next helping his daughter down. 

"This looks so creepy." Katie said, as they walked towards the small wooden hut, the stones chrunching beneath their feet.

Katie looked up at the mountains that surronded the hut. 

dark grey mist had clouded over the peak, causing the mountains to look black and horrorfull.

As the rain continued to poor, the small family on three found their way inside. 

the further Katie walked into the house, the more she started hating it.

Spiderwebs were all over the place, and she could see insects stuck in the treachourus webs, spiders crawlings over, devouring the smaller insects in one or two bites. 

the floorboards creaked, and the roof of tin made a horrible noise, as if there was someone knocking on it 

Katie looked up the stairs, freezing on the spot. 

"MUM! THERE'S SOMEONE HERE!" the young girl screeched, seeing two bright red eyes in the shadows.

"Katie, darling, no one is here. Relax." Her father said sternly, looking up the stairs. The red eyes disappeared. 

"Mum do we have to stay here?" Katie asked, desperatly. 

"Sweetie, we've all had a long day - why don't you go to bed?" the older woman said, softly.

Katie nodded, with a sigh she had to admit that she was tired. 

"where is my room?" 

"Up the stairs, second door to the left. - you can't miss it." her mother said. Katie felt her blood stiffen in her veins, and she looked at her mother with pleading eyes.

"Do I really have to sleep upstairs?" 

By the look on her mothers face, Katie sighed, pulling her suitcase over the creaking floor. 

each step she took, was heavy. 

finally she had fought her way up the winding staircase, and stood infront of her room.

With her heart beating frantically in her chest, she saw it. 

"MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!!!!" Katie screamed loudly, as the sock flew against her, muffling her. 

"Katie! What's all this noise?!" Her mother said with an exasperasted tone of voice. 

"Mum! there's a ghost here! - I, I saw it!" 

"Oh sweetie, there's no such thing as ghosts..."

"But it was here!" 

"It?"  the older woman furrowed her eyebrows

"Yes! the ghost sock!"

"feel free to explain yourself." Katies father said, pulling a stool over to sit on.

"I came up here, and there was a black sock lying on the desk, right there! - and, and it, it, it, flew towards me, muffling me! I, I think it's inside me... Help!!" The young girl then fainted, and her body disappeared. All that was left, was the form of a transparent black sock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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