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1. Last thing i ate ?
-> Andes ( candy)

2. Hair color ?
-> Black

3. How many siblings do i have ?
2 older bros, 1 younger bro

4. Best friend ?
-> tbh i have 3 bffs ( girls)

5. Name ?
-> Sophia

6. Last thing i drank ?
-> water

7. Color of your sheets ?
-> brown/ white

8. Color of your walls ?
-> white

9. Last show i watched ?
-> showtime....(its a philippine show and i was bored...i had nothin to watch)

10. Least fave popular song rn ?
-> idk

11. Last thing i texted
-> " ha?"

12. Color of mah nails ?
-> i cannot stan nail polish..i dont color meh nails

13. Bored yet ?
-> my life is always boring

14. Fave food ?
-> bread, fries

15. Fandoms
-> So much u dont even know...

16. Middle name ?
-> Torres

17. Last place i went ?
-> my cousin's apartment

18. Last thing i said
-> " Yes"

19. Are there lights in my room ?
-> ys

20. Are your windows open ?
-> nope

21. Fave genre of movies/books ?
-> romantic

22. What do you dip in nuggets to ?
-> gravy

23. Enemie's name ?
-> 😂😂

24. What does ur phone case look like ?
-> plain..black

25. Last thought ?
- im dying

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