viii. Stalker

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"Kaycee, ma' girl!" Will was smiling from ear to ear. He pulled the girl into a warm hug. "Josh told me what happened and I'm really sorry if I haven't talked to you about it first."

"Oh no, it's okay." Kaycee waved a hand dismissively. "I'm just really curious, what... project are we working on?"

"Right." Will nodded. He gestured for the girl to follow him and they went inside. It was less crowded than usual. "You see all these people? I trust each and every one of 'em. They are, what I believe, the future of the dance world."

"And so are you, Kaycee. I can see the passion in your eyes every time you dance and that, is why you're here. I selected a few people to work with me on this project. I want to create a short film that shows the flaws and imperfections of the society we're living in but instead of acting, we're going to tell the story through dancing."

"Will!" Kaycee gasped. "That's... awesome. Thank you for making me a part of this project. I won't let you down!"

"I know," Will patted her shoulder. "Now go on and learn the choreo. We should start filming in a few hours or so."

Kaycee spent an hour learning the choreo. It was hard, especially when she missed the first fifteen minutes of Janelle teaching. Luckily, Taylor was there to help her.

Meanwhile, Sean was busy talking with co-director of the project, Tim Milgram. They were on the far side of the room. Every now and then, he would steal a few glances from her.

They were just together yesterday yet why does it feels like weeks? He wanted to approach her.

Stop it, Sean. What are you thinking?

"Sean? Hello?" Tim followed the direction of his gaze. "Oooh, so are we crushing on Kaycee Rice now?"

"W-what?" He immediately snapped out of his thoughts. "Pft, no one's crushing on who."

"Sure," Tim smiled playfully as he watched him with interest. "Cause you were just so busy staring at her. C'mon, do you like her?"

"Shut up." Sean said, shaking his head while fighting off a smile at the same time.

* * *

Bailey's POV

It was almost nine o'clock and I just got out of Melvin's class when I received a text message from my best friend, Kaycee. She was asking me if we could meet since she's at the MDC and I'm just around the area.

Unfortunately, I can't.

My sister, Kylie, was already waiting for me. She had just finished re-applying her lipstick when I got inside the car.

"Hey," I greeted. "What's up?"

"I'll just drop you off then I'm off to a night out with my friends." She said. "What do you think of this color?"

"I love it, makes your eyes pop." I shrugged. Then, a sudden idea popped into my head. "Hey, how about you go ahead now? I could just... take the Uber, you know?"

She looked at me suspiciously. "Hm... what are you up to Ms. Bailey? Mom's gonna kill me if she founds out that I've let you on your own."

"Oh please, I know you also want this." I rolled my eyes. "Imma just go and meet Kaycee real quick then I'll go home. Don't worry, I won't tell Mom."

"Of course you won't because she'd kill you too." Kylie rolled her eyes and laughed. "Okay then, just be careful, ayt? Have fun!"

And with that, I got out of the car and took a cab to the MDC. Kaycee ran and pulled me into a hug. We were both squealing and I'm a hundred percent positive that everyone's looking at us.

"Geez, my best friend is such a rebel."

"Um, excuse me?" I faked hurt. "I'm nowhere near to a rebel because I'm such a good kid, you know?"

We both laughed.

Just then, a guy with blonde streaks on his hair came up and approached Kaycee. Hold on, he looks familiar– is this THE Sean Lew? My best friend immediately turned her full attention to him. Hm...

"Oh, this is Bailey, by the way!" She said once they finished talking. "She's also a dancer. Bailey, this is Sean."

"Nice to meet you, Sean." I waved a hand and he nodded. "You've never been to Matt Steffanina's class, are you?" I squinted my eyes. "Or I would've known you before."

"Just once or twice." He shrugged.

"He focuses more on other styles than hiphop." Kaycee piped in.

Sean raised an eyebrow. "And why do you know that?"

"Eh," Kaycee laughed nervously. "I just... saw the dance videos that you posted on your Instagram."

"Oh, so now I've got myself a stalker." Sean crossed his arms, he looks amused.

And my best friend, being the open book that she is — flushed furiously. Oh my god, Kaycee Rice! This is such a facepalm moment. I had to restrain myself from laughing.

"Um, Kayc," I cleared my throat and they both looked at me. "Should we get going now? I have to be home before it gets a little too late."

"Oh, right." She said and turned to the guy beside her. "Uh, hey, we gotta go now. It was nice... dancing with you again. See you tomorrow, I guess?"

Sean nodded. "See you."

"Is he always like that?" I blurted once we're out of earshot. Kaycee raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you were just overreacting when you said he barely speaks more than two words but now that I met him, wow, he's such a... reserved person."

"What did I told you?" She rolled her eyes.

"But you know what? I think he's actually starting to get more comfortable with me. I mean, it's just probably because Julian and Josh are my friends now too but these past few days? He's been a LOT nicer than usual that he even let me borrow his hoodie last night–"

"Wait, what?" I stopped on my tracks.

"What?" She had also stopped walking and gave me puzzled look.

"That's... SO CUTE!" I squealed.

Her eyes widened. "Oh, shut up."

* * *

Hi guys! It's been a week¿ since I last updated and I felt really bad but trust me, I really wanted to post a new chapter and it's just that I have NO idea on what to write. Ugh. 😩 Anyway, I worked really hard for this one and I hoped you all liked it. If not, then, eh. 🤷‍♀️ Comment down below your thoughts and what you would like to see on the upcoming chapters and of course, don't forget to vote!!! 💙

Q: Are you excited for The Cut?

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