wednesday 16th october 2017

48 4 6

"oh my gosh your accent, you live in seoul now, stop speaking in your daegu accent!"
it was a statement i had become all too familiar too.
"why should i?"
"i just told you, you live in seoul, why talk as though you're in daegu?"
"because i'm from daegu..."
"well you're not in daegu so talk like you're in seoul"
"i don't know how to though!"
"ugh, fine, keep talking like that."
i loved jae-eun to bits but she was always making fun of me for my accent or looks.
which made me question.
did i really love her?

i got on with my day as usual but i suddenly became worried of what people would think of my daegu accent, i didn't find it that noticeable but after jae-eun highlighted it that morning i realised just how much it stood out.
at lunch something similar happened again.
"you know, you're so pale seulgi," ji-su pointed out
"yes, i'm aware"
"have you ever thought of trying to tan a bit?"
"no.. you know i burn easily," this was a common conversation.
"but you're the palest person here!"
"yoongi's a bit paler than me..."
"yoongi doesn't count"
i had my last two classes after lunch, english and math, i sat through english getting more comments on my looks.
how pale i am.
how curly my hair is.
the fact my nose is really small.
in math though i got sick of it and sat by myself, then for some reason yoongi joined me.
"hey," he mumbled when he sat down.
i had always sort of liked yoongi, but i had never had the confidence to talk to him.
i looked up, my lips pursed into a confused pout. i had earphones in.
"huh?" i asked
"i said hey, also you might want to take those out, you know what our teacher is like."
"oh, um ok... hi"
i took my headphones out, i was a bit shocked at why he had chosen to interact with me.
"alright class! today we're learning about fractions and decimals!"
the teacher sounded like she was trying to be energetic but her rough voice didn't allow that.
i heard yoongi curse under his breath, i flicked my eyes to him while still facing the front.
he wasn't looking to the teacher, he was just staring at the desk looking worried.
"what's wrong?" i asked him.
"i'm terrible at fractions and decimals"
"can't be any worse than me"
"we'll see about that"

a few minutes later and yoongi was right.
he can't do fractions and decimals.
not even to save a life.
"jesus christ you're bad at this," i whispered while looking over his ipad to help him.
"i'm stupid not deaf"
"i said i'm not deaf!"
"sorry what?"
"i said i'm- oh i get it now"
i giggled and smiled at him. he smiled back, he had an adorable gummy smile.
i spent the lesson helping him when needed, he wasn't too bad since we were in math extension but clearly this part of math wasn't his strong point.
when the class ended i realised something.
yoongi had a daegu accent.
"are you from daegu by any chance?" he questioned.
clearly he picked up on mine.
"yeah, you?"
"yep! i rarely meet people from daegu in seoul, so i was taken aback," i really wanted to ask if he was teased for his accent, but i didn't.

i left the class and jae-eun and ji-su caught up with me.
"hey, why didn't you sit with us?" questioned jae-eun.
"yeah why not?" followed up ji-su.
i knew this was going to happen when i went to that desk in the back of the class away from them. but i didn't think of a reason to give them.
"um, wasn't feeling well, just wanted to sit at the back of the class," i lied through my teeth.
"why didn't you tell us we would've sat with you," jae-eun answered.
yeah right, i thought.
"it's alright, yoongi sat with me," i felt the two girls starting to elbow me and make remarks about how i like him. i ignored it though.

when i got home i went to my bedroom and caught a glimpse of my side profile in the mirror.
my nose... it's really small
i looked away from the mirror as quick as i could. then a piece of hair fell over my face.
"why is your hair so curly?"
it was true, my hair was really curly for an asian, i used to wear it with pride, but jae-eun and ji-su had made me self conscious about it.
i fell onto my bed, grabbed the closest kumamon plushie, and i cried, i cried in hopes that with my tears, my problems would leave my body as well.

it's not like it worked.

author's note: hey! this is the first part of my first fanfic on here, i'd like you to keep in mind while reading this that some of the events in this are based on real life experiences, i wanted to tell my "story" through bts, i really don't know honestly i had an idea one night 😂 also ignore the fact that there are no capitals and quite a few full stops, it's just how i write lol xx

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