january 28 2018

23 2 1

chim: REALLY?
hobi: *image*
joon: *image*
yoongz: *image*
kookie: *image*
me: *image*
tae: *image*
chim: *image*
jinnie: *image*
yoongz: wait do i even have any of my classes with you?
chim: you have all your classes with seulgi, yoongi
me: all of them?
yoongz: all of them
me: i'm gonna hate you by the end of the year
hobi: dONT SAY THAT!!!!1!!!!1
me: jeez ok calm down
hobi: wait none of my classes are with you guys...
kookie: hA SUCKS TO BE YOU
jinnie: you're the youngest here would you like to remember your respect
kookie: ok, correction: ha sucks to be you
jinnie: that's the same thing
kookie: but it isn't in caps locks
me: i thought i was the youngest here

i put my phone down and went over to one of my dogs, he was the fluffiest thing ever, just a huge fluffball and so loving. he walked over to me immediately and sat on my lap, he thinks he's a lap dog.

he's not.

he's a golden retriever.

who happens to think he's the size of a chihuahua.

*first day of school*

i walked off the bus and across the road to my school, i thanked the lollipop men on my way over, if they didn't do their jobs i'd be run over by now, those cars refuse to stop unless it's a red light or a lollipop man.

i went to my locker, it was still with my old homeroom, i had been changed to a new homeroom, one that my friends were in. on the sleeves or our dresses the cuff is the colour of our homeroom, when i showed up with green cuffs instead of purple, all the kids around my locker got confused, then i told them i changed, they questioned me but then forgot about it.

i walked to my friend's lockers, yoongi wasn't in my homeroom, his sleeves had black cuffs, honestly i would've preferred to be in black because i like the colour, but i'm fine with my homeroom.

"hey seulgi!" yoongi called to me, i still liked him, but i was good friends with him now so it was easier to talk to him.

"hey yoongi, what do we have first?" i had already forgotten my timetable.

"drama, J07," he said after looking at his iPad.

"you'll love that, you're the most dramatic person i've ever met," i said smiling at him.

he gasped and brought his hand to his heart, "i feel so hurt!", then he smiled back at me, that gummy smile. yes i had become good friends with yoongi and it was easy to talk to him but the gummy smile still always got me.

A/N: "raise your hand if you need to upload more!"
*raises hand*

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