08 | Top or Bottom?

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| Luke’s POV |

After the both of us got changed, I dragged Nicole all the way to the place where Michael and I love to go to. McDonalds. Even I don’t know why I took her here, I just felt like she’s never had junk food, and has never eaten anything with her bare hands because she was probably raised to eat with every utensil on the table. And I suspect she’s never had any blobs of sauce drip onto her pants or shirt.

I feel like she needed to be shown the wonders of life from the people who aren’t as rich as she is. “Where are we?” She asked as we walked in through the front doors of the McDonalds area we were at.  Of course she didn’t know the place. I just brought her to the line and took out my wallet. It was quite thin—considering I don’t carry a lot of money around with me—and I pulled out what I had and just held it, getting ready to order.

“This place is called McDonalds. They have amazing burgers.” I exclaimed. Then a question popped up in my head. “Have you ever had a burger before? A Hamburger? You know…two buns and a patty. With cheese, pickles, onions, lettuce and tomato?”

Nicole shook her head and just stood there. I knew she was feeling awkward, going to a place she’s never been to. A place where she clearly didn’t…fit. But that’s the whole thing about being a teenager, isn’t it? Doing things outside of your comfort zone. To live a little.

We were up front and I ordered for the both of us and then paid. As we waited I saw that Nicole wasn’t behind me anymore. For a moment I panicked but then saw that she had taken a seat at a booth. Staring down at her fiddling fingers as she tried to not look at some of the stares that people were giving her.

If I was going to show her the life of a normal teenager, I had to make sure that she felt at least somewhat comfortable. Grabbing the tray, I quickly made my way there and handed one burger to her and a drink too. Since I’ve been here a lot I went straight into eating. “You eat it like that?” Nicole asked. Pointing at the way that I was holding my burger, and I look up at her just as I was going to take a bite.

“Yeah…this is how you eat a burger.” I laughed lightly. “Here…I’ll unwrap it for you.” I set my burger down and take Nicole’s one out for her and then set the wrapper out—acting as an impromptu tablecloth—and place her burger in the middle.

“Now, this is how you hold it…” I said as I showed her. She looked unsure but eventually copied me and took the smallest bite ever. It caused me to laugh a little bit too loud and making Nicole send me a glare—most likely telling me to keep it down—but then a smile formed on her lips too.

“I’m holding it right, aren’t I? Be happy that I’m doing something.” She giggles.

“It’s just…you eat it so funny.” I laughed. Wiping some of the sauce that I got on my chin. “You took a really small bite.”

“Not my fault that I’ve never eaten one. Hold on let me try again…” Nicole took a deep breath in then out before taking—what I would consider—a proper bite. I clap my hands to congratulate her as she has a closed mouth smile. “I guess I did it right this time.”

Seeing how fast she adapted to the way of eating the burger—I was quite impressed. And she even got some on her clothes and quickly wiped it away before it could stain her expensive clothing. After eating, I felt full and wasn’t really in the mood to get up and walk yet. Besides, Nicole just didn’t seem as bad as I thought she was going to be. Then some form of guilt rushed through me and I knew that I actually had to get to know her first before judging her.

Nicole was just finishing up and taking a sip from her coke just as I was going to ask her if she wanted to play 20 questions. But then, the sound of her phone disrupted me and she looked at me sympathetically before picking the phone up.

As talked all I could do was just look at her. Here she is—daughter of a billionaire—sitting in McDonalds. Seeing her in such a normal environment was quite surprising, I would’ve thought that she would ditch me because this wasn’t her ideal place to hang out.

She went a long with it. And seemed to have enjoyed it—until now. “Fine…I’m sorry about that alright? I’ll be there soon.” Nicole hangs up on her phone and just looks at me as she sighs. “I-I’ve got to go. Thank you for this meal.” Then she was gone, leaving me a lone.

With her gone—for some reason—I felt a little empty without her presence. I was actually having a good time hanging out with her and now that she is not with me, I just didn’t know what to do.

So I put everything away and just headed back home. Where I ran up to my room, only to find Michael sitting there on his phone. At the sound of the door closing, Michael turns around and has a smirk on his face and to be honest I actually didn’t want to know why he had it on but I knew he was going to pester me about something. “Where have you been?” great. I finally figured out what Michael was going to bother me about…Nicole.

I resulted to just acting casual. “I’ve been out. My head still hurts so I’m sure that’s what caused my delay to coming back home.” I smile at him and head over to the drawer to put my glasses on. “Oh and the fact that I didn’t have my contact lenses on so I kind of staggered my way over here.”

“How was your night? Luke…I know you’re avoiding the subject! Just tell me! I’m your best buddy!!!” Michael begged. Knowing Michael and knowing how our friendship is, Michael would never let this subject drop until I answered him.

“Fine. I lost my virginity to Nicole.” I quickly said.


“What else do you want me to say?” I question, turning around and switching my shirts—since the one I was wearing had some stains on it and I knew it wasn’t puke stains and I vaguely remember that I was wearing my shirt when she was uh….when she was pumping my below so I knew where the stains came from. I toss the dirty shirt into my laundry basket and slip on another shirt. “If you want me to describe what we did, I can’t. Because I don’t remember much.”

“Top or bottom?” He blurts out. I raise an eyebrow at him and pull my shirt down a little and sit on the chair by my desk. Putting my feet up on the table and looking at Michael. “We’re you on top or bottom?”

“Both.” I chuckled. That being one of the few things I remember.

“Man…you lost your virginity to the hottest girl there is in school. That’s lucky as fuck. You seeing her anytime soon? You know…just the two of you?”

I sighed and leaned back in my seat. Just thinking. Because I wouldn’t mind seeing her again. I wouldn’t mind taking her to places she’s not used to. Especially after our mini McDonalds date today, I’m sure I would like to see more of her. After some thinking, I give Michael a smile. “Yeah. I have a good feeling that I’ll be seeing her more.”

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