The scars you leave

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"ugh how do I look"I ask spinning around in the mirror.

"The truth?"Tracy ask fixing her neon green shirt for a ufc match.yeah I know so cute!

"no a lie"I role my eyes. "you look like a little girl"she stands next to me.

" the truth"

"oh that was the truth"

"ugh"I take off my dress and sit on my bed."I quit I might as well tell Marshall I ca-"

"Oh no you dont!"she says grabbing me back up.She walks to her closet and take out a black tight dress.

"nope not gonna happen" Tracy walks to me and throws it to me."now"I put it on its very tight and revealing. Its a v neck black dress that's tight at the bottom.

"hmm something missing" she says with her hand on her chin."a belt" she runs to the back and comes grab a blood red belt.

"oh I hate that color" I shake my head."well I love it and it goes with the red bottoms"

"red bottoms? "I cross my arms" not going to happen"I sit down" over my dead body"

20 minutes later

"ugh this belt is to tight"I start messing with the belt" oh my God these heels hurt"I start walking slower.

"are you really hurt? or is it because you don't want to go?"


"your supposed to support your boyfriend" mj chimes in.

"are you guys high?"

They look at eachother" no"

"ugh I like you guys better that talk less."

we get to our seat and sit down right in the front.

The lights get dem and a light shines on the other side of the arena."on this side weighing 303 pounds Marshall mathers"The crowd goes crazy. I stand up and clap for my man.

"that's my baby"I point to him getting in the ring.He turns to me and I blow a kiss but he shakes his head then turn around.Yea he hates it when I do things like that.

"in this corner weighing in 130 pounds Andrew Whitefield"The crowd goes insane yelling screaming I swear lady just fainted. He walks out all cocky and smiling he probably took steroids.

He looks me up and down "For me you shouldn't have"he grabs my waist and kiss me right on the lips.I push him off"gross jerk"I sit down.

"he can't fucking do that!"I hear Marshall yell at the men in the front row."babe it's alright"I tell him.

"shut up"he says turning around to me." sit down stay pretty and  cover your self"he turns so that his back is facing me.

I sit down and turn to look at mj and Tracy was looking at me."what he cares" I smile and look away.

The fight is finally over and I'm in the locker room trying not to vomit.There was a whole lot of busted lips and a whole lot of blood."yeah I kicked ass I told you I would"I hear Marshall coming inside.

Him and his coach comes inside."yeah but you'll have to have a rematch that kid never goes down but the next fight"

"next fight?!"I ask walking to them.
"hey Bonnie"coach smiles"I'm sorry about the mishaps"

"oh it's fine" I wave my hands.

"like hell it is"Marshall says taking off his gloves and slamming them down on the bench.

"you beat him up in the end" I smile sitting down next to him and touching his back.

"yeah but he kissed You in the mouth"he slaps my hand off his shoulder.

"uhmm I'm gonna go"the couch says.

"your over reacting"I stand up "and I'm not going to stay in here and put up with your nonsense" walk to the door.

Marshall comes to the door and locks it."over reacting,nonsense are you serious?! Your my girl"he points to my face" MY GIRl!"He pulls me closer to him.

"Marshall your doing too much let me go"I push off of him.

"Too much?"

"yeah way to much"I shake my head.He moves away and His lips form a tight line. Then he walks to the bench and leaving me at the door Then he looks down.

"is this too much when I say I think we need a break? "he ask picking up his head and looking me in the eye.

"what"I ask astonished. "I'm your girlfriend I love you and was there for you hell I'm always there for you drunk and hurt"

"yeah I'm sorry"he gets up" because it's over"

"why are you doing this?"I ask walking to him and holding his hand.

"You don't support what I do"he snatch his hand out my hand" I have to beg you to come and its annoying.your supposed to be willing "

"You know how much I hate blood"I look at him"but I watch it on tv an-"

"yeah but it isn't the same"he looks me right in the eye" and since where talking about not liking things."

"No don't!"I say pointing my finger at him"dont you dare!if your going to do this I might as well just leave right know! "I say walking to the door again.

he shoots up and stands in front of the  door and look me in the eye"you never want to hear what I have to say!why because it's always true?!"

"I hate how You always have to turn something about's about us but your to self centred " I role my eyes while looking down then it gets quite.

He breaths in" you want to know what I hate?"

"not really"

"to bad"he practically yells."look at me"

I look at him. He looks really pissed like he can fight someone again and probably kill them.I feel like I can't even breath right know I don't even know if I'm breathing.

"I hate the fact you killed my baby yo-"

"I w-"

He puts his finger up"I'm talking"he puts his finger down and continues" and you didn't even tell me you where pregnant you keep it to yourself and you made me seem like the bad person wh-"

"I never said yo-"

"I'm talking where the fuck is your manners?!"he yells.

"out the mother fucking window like this goddam relationship it's over"I get ready to walk out the door but then I turn around.

"and you always bring up the baby!"I yell."okay I admit I fucked up okay but its annoying I'm tired of you bring it up what's done is done it won't come back it never will...I'm actually glad I killed it because you would've been a horrible fa-"

His hand comes across my face and it burns like hell.I hold my cheek And I feel wetness.

"well I'm tired of you disrespecting me"

"You won't have to worry about that" I look him in the eye" it's over"I say walking to the door.

"You where a weight in my shoulder anyway"

The scars you leaveWhere stories live. Discover now