The Interveiw

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A strange woman walks into the room, I think I'm shaking, everything feel cold. I grip my chair with one hand and grab the table with the other. The woman flips a pad and turns a dial. It gets warmer. I lighten my grip but still prepared to run. "Hello" the woman says slowly. I keep my mouth close. " I'm Hayley" she waves her hand. "I have to ask you a few questions" she talks slower. "What is your name?"

I open my lips and mumble "Mel."

The lady looks surprised and notes something down. She talks faster this time "how old are you? Hun" I bite my lip " I'm 14" I speak a little louder but is still shushed. She nods and notes something down. " so are you human?" She makes me feel uncomfortable, but clearly I reply " N-no" I pause as she just nods and notes it down. I feel a strange chill in the air. " Honey what are you?" I bite my lip and look around the room, the door locked. The window, there isn't any. I take a deep breath. "I'm a........ Wabim." I pause she goes to write that down then looks at me and raises her eyebrows. I look in her weirdly shaped black eyes the respond to her gesture " W-A-B-I-M"

She nods then notes it down. " do you have any powers" I'm shocked by this question. " it depends what are powers" she rolls her eyes " special abilities like flying." She seems angry. " turning invisible, Fire, force Field and walking" she breaths out her eyes big and turns back to her paper. " hair colour and length?" I look down at my hair. " can't you just loo-" she stops me there giving me a deadly glare. "Brown and down to the start of my abs." She nods again and writes it down. "Eye colour?" Another chill goes through the air. " umm- blue?" I guess not knowing the answer. She looks up nods and looks back down. She writes something down. "Any siblings?" " Nope."

"Family?" "Nope." I feel weird as she writes. She stands up, "the Master will be here soon." Then she leaves. I feel uncomfortable as I wait and rock back and forth in my chair. A man comes in, he's tall and has black hair. He sits down. "Hello, friend" he smiles a nice and warm smile. I don't respond, what? I'm not from this place. I think of saying something but decided not to. " okay, the silent type, we'll that's okay. You will be staying here. Do you want a room?" I feel like saying we'll duh of ya. But instead I just nod. He nods and gets up. "Come on." He stands up and holds the door open for me. I step out and feel the crowd rush by. People streaming down the hallways. I feel weird and small in this horde of people. He takes me down the hallway, people not noticing us. Then he stops and opens an office door were that lady is sitting. "I'm sorry. I forgot to ask you some questions. Age?" I bite my lip. "14" she nods and writes that down. She makes me stand on a scale. " her weight is 90 pounds" she looks astonished. Then I stand next to a bar. " she is 5'2" she shakes his head and sits down. "Good day" we leave and start walking sneaking through groups of people. I go inside a white door. I go inside and see a white room with a purple frame and green mattress there is two lamps and a green shelving unit. From the roof there is a metal bar hanging off strings it's used to hang clothes, there is already some hanging. There is a bookshelf filled with books. I gasp as I see the room. The "Master" leaves. Leaving me in my new room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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