Act Three: The Lovers, Chapter Two

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A/N: Chapter lengths will be increasing due to demand, but not until I have every chapter posted that is already completed. I will be posting another chapter after this one because I didn't realize quite how short this one is. Also, part of the reason this story is updated so frequently is because the chapters are so short. Because ya'll want more of it all at once I'll be posting two chapters of it a day until it's up to date with what I have completed, the only thing is since I'm focusing on the stories I have outlined at least partially once it gets to what I have completed it will becoming slower but hopefully with the added length ya'll want. The thing I wanted to do with this story is make the chapters short sweet and to the point but the story would have a lot of chapters to make up for it, but if ya'll want longer chapters I'll gladly change it for ya'll once everything I already have completed is posted. I'm sorry if this has caused ya'll any trouble.

He had left her there- at the lake's edge, yearning for the warmth he withheld from her as the first frost of winter breached the Academy's borders, her darkness giving the chill a cutting edge, sure to cancel class for the next day.

"You must make a move against the brat, Mistress."

"I know," She sighed, turning to glance at her faithful shade, "I know, I have been a fool to think I wouldn't have to."

It was midday and she had locked herself in the unused tower's basement, her shirt wrinkled and her skirt shorter than usual, her legs bare of her thigh high uniform socks, which had been tossed beside the first aid kit.

The vampires were all asleep by now, but she had made sure to place hidden seals on every crack, crevice, door, nook, and cranny leading outside- no one would be able to know that she had made her first kill here- where Kuran had cornered her on numerous occasions.

She could sense her prey approaching, feet heavy, mind hazy with the power of her influence hanging over his head.

Her prey had been chosen painstakingly- he was close to Kaname, in his inner circle- was that too close? Would he give her away? She had to risk it- had to trust that her servant would be wise enough to mirror her victim's mannerisms perfectly.

Zero blew out a breath as she felt him breach the first door, and then the second as the first shut silently, the lock sturdy and true, enough to ward off any stray day class students who were looking to get lucky on the free day. Her hands quivered with anticipation and she licked her lips as his scent began to warm her senses, igniting a fearsome hunger within the silverette.

The second door was opened and followed the first's actions, shutting silently and locking tight. Zero whispered the activation spell as the third door at the top of the stairs fell open and her prey stepped within, his green eyes glazed and compliant.

"Come to me..." She beckoned, and the door shut like the rest, sealing him in the room with her till she released the charms.

He stopped within a foot of her and she inched a perfectly manicured hand up his white uniform coat, completely aware that what she was about to do would not be able to be undone. She wrapped her hand around his neck and let loose the darkness that laid beneath her skin.

"Kiss me, senpai."

He did- and with that, he became the first to fall in her quest for love.

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