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Has sexual context... but anyway enjoy


Tyler's pov

I sat worried sick next to aimee she layed on my bed still in shock.. every now and then she'd say "He's here.. he's come for me" and a few tears would stream down her face and i would wipe them away quickly.. i growled to myself every time i saw a tear stream down her gorgeous tanned face whoever did this to my baby is gonna get it.. i looked over to aimees wide eyes so looked around quickly before she blinked.. i heard her say whisper "Alex is gonna kill me" before she curled up into a ball and sobbed i stared wide eyed at her.. Alex? i looked at aimee's face.. she was asleep.. i smiled.. so sweet so innocent..

I sat at aimee's side after about 3 hours her eyes fluutered open reviling glorious green eyes she stared at me and smiled i smiled back "Hi" she whispered "Hi bubby how'd you sleep?" I asked.. "Sleep?? i don't remember anything since i was at my locker and then it went black.." she whispered she doesn't remember all that sobbing, crying and mumbles? "Aimee you went into shock.. i brought you back to my house.. you'd been crying for 4 hours and went into a deep sleep for 3 more.. You were mumbling say 'he's here, he's gonna get me and then you said Alex is gonna kill me'.. Aimee who's Alex??" I asked her she stared.. at nothing.. "A-a-alex.. i remember.. hes here at our school i saw him.. i swear i did.. i hate him" she cried Alex? so that's the name of the new kid at our school.. He's an angel just like aimee.. and i was scaried he was going to take her away.. now he might? "Do worry Aimee, he won't get anywhere near you my Angel" I growled "Just rest your mother said you may stay at my house tonight" i smiled "Alright" Aimee yawned "Goodnight my angel" I whispered "I love you Ty-Ty" Aimee smiled shutting her eyes I grinned "I love you more my Angel" before lying down with her shutting my eyes and falling asleep next to the one i loved

Aimee's pov

I slowly opened my eyes.. taking in my surroundings i was in tylers room i smiled and rolled over to stare at him tyler opened his eyes and pulled me towards him and kissed me slowly softly and pashionatly i grinned "Goodmorning" I giggled snuggling into his chest he rested his chin on the top of my head "Goodmorning" he said i felt him grinned "It's 7:00, we have to get up to go to school" i sighed.. while he groaned.. i giggled and got up then i froze Alex was all that was running threw my brain "Aimee" tyler whispered "Im fine" i said and walked into his bathroom.. "can i join you?" he questioned..  "Noo.. not yet" i giggled he groaned again and i copied.. "You shouldn't do that" he said i raised an eye brow and stare at him questioningly.. "It turns me on.." he whispered lustfully in my ear i giggled and walked into the bathroom i shut the door and locked it i felt tylers presents on the other side of the door i giggled to myself and moaned out loud "Don't Aimee" he growled i laughed and moaned even louder "Aimee.." He growled i moaned again "Thats it" he siad "move out of the way of the door" he growled i did as i was told and he came smashing threw it.. i laughed at him his eyes we're black with lust he grabbed my waist and wrapped my legs around him an carried me to the bed and threw me on it "Aimee if you moan again im going to mark you" he growled and in that split second.. i moaned.. tyler growled at me and jumped on he attacking my lips i moaned as his lips travelled down to the crook of my neck i moaned very loudly.. i felt his canines on my neck "Do it!" I almost screamed and he bit down at first all i felt was pain unil pleasure was replaced he pull off my dress that i had to sleep in until i was in my bra and undies and then as soon as he was going for his boxers there was a knock at the door "Tyler Walks!" I heard someone say "Piss off!" He commained.. tyler looked down at my body i felt something hard on my waist i looked into his eyes and nodded he pulled off the rest off his clothing and mine.. and he marked me as his forever

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