Unexpected Love ~A Union J Fanfic

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So this is my first fanfiction and I'm worried that nobody's going to like it >,< so if its terrible just say X

Union J fanfiction ~~~

Tizzie ~

Love was annoying its all a teenage girl like me could think about, I didn't get love, the meaning of love or how it felt, I didn't think I was ready for it. But there's this one guy I know, and he's answered all my questions his name... George, George Shelley, and this is the story of my unexpected love...

So It was another weekday and I was walking down to my bus stop when my friend Anna texted me a picture of this boyband I heard nothing of

"Anna: Hey check out this band called 'Union J' they are sooo fit aren't they? ;)"

I stood at my bus stop silently every now and then looking up for the bus, I looked at the phone screen at these four guys, one had black hair and loads of tattoos, another one had a nice blonde quiff, the third looked sweet and formal and the last one defiantly caught my eye, he had curly brown hair and beautiful brown eyes and his smile made me go slightly jelly like.

The bus was at the stop and I hardly noticed so I had to quickly snap out of my daydream and get on. I sat at the back of the bus and kept staring at the cute faced boy on the picture his face somehow made me smile but I had to shake it off, he was just another celebrity that if I'm lucky might see in a concert or something never mind a relationship!

I put my phone in my pocket and tried to forget about him. The bus stopped near my school and I saw Anna patiently waiting outside on her phone.

I got off the bus and greeted Anna, at times I got jealous of her, she was thin but no curves, she had light brown thick hair and blue eyes. Then there was me who looked like a dog. I had light blond hair but with a brown streak down one side, my eyes were blue and I wasn't thin, I'm happy though because I have curves unlike Anna and I don't know why but I'm proud.

Anyways, we were walking towards school and it was all silent until I said "so that boyband Union J..." Anna looked at me grinning "go on" she said, her eye brows up "what are there names and which ones your favourite?" I asked biting my lip, I didn't know what her reply was going to be like...

Unexpectedly she gasped like she had just seen a massive hairy spider and I looked around to see if there actually was one, well there wasn't. She put her hands on my shoulders "Tizzie you like a band and you don't know their names" she face palmed, I rolled my eyes "that's why I'm asking you dummy so I can find out ASAP!"

She gave me a brief description on each member and I remembered them all, the tattoos one is Jaymi and apparently he's gay (I don't care its nobody else's business accept his), the guy with the blue eyes and blonde hair is Josh apparently he's a chic magnet (hahaha), there's one that likes ponies called JJ and the last one is the most important in my mind George the monkey loving cutie.

I suddenly got snapped out of my day dream when Anna pocked me in the face "My favourite is George cuz he is soooo fit its unbelievable! Have you got a favourite?" she asked, I went slightly red and smiled Anna stopped me "It's the one thats just like you isn't it?" she questioned.

I stopped and went silent again. I liked him too he was my favourite but she would go all moody if I said that so I just said someone else "Josh, he looks cool, I think George is too immature for his age and his name doesn't even begin with J you know?" I felt really bad inside after I replayed in my head what I had just said. I stared at the stone path and kept walking with my head down. How could I have said that about him?

Anna just stayed silent for the rest of the journey looking on her phone until we got to school, "I'll see ya at break Tizzie!" she shouted from across the corridor so I smiled, waved and walked to my next lesson with George constantly on my mind.

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