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(I made this one. Sorry, it's not that good)

Sitting in a corner, she stared at the moon

Hoping her time, would come very soon

As she reached for her blade, all sharp, pointy, and nice

She realized she had lost, all of her fights

Tears started to fall down her flushed face

Almost as if they were trying to race

She picked up her knife and stared at it a little

Then she cut her skin open, right down the middle

The blood became visible, and her cries became sobs

She wanted help but knew everyone would come in mobs

Her meals became smaller

Her weight started to drop

And her smiles were gone

When she looked around she saw no one who loved her

Not even her mom

Her cuts became addicting

And new ones always popped up

But no one knew how much she was conflicting

She asked for forgiveness for all of her lies

And before she took her final breathes she wrote her goodbyes

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