Chapter 3

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Nikephoros for once in her life was left speechless. The two elderly wizards standing across her were eying her warily and she didn't know how she was supposed to explain the situation that she had landed herself into. It was bizarre and no words could make the situation sound simpler or logical. And there was also this doubt if these wizards will believe her words and will help her. After all she very well knew what the centaurs had said 'there hasn't been one for centuries.' For all she knew the existence of marked hunter may as well be a myth now. While Nikephoros was thinking of ways to explain the circumstances she could feel someone trying to pry on her thoughts from afar. She snapped her neck towards what she thought was the entrance to the castle only to see no one present there. But she knew better. She knew someone was watching her very keenly.

"I think we should take our conversation somewhere private. You have questions that needs to be answered and i would like to answer them away from prying eyes." Nikephoros said moving her gaze from the entrance to the two curious wizards. Dumbledore followed her gaze to the same place and nodded his head slightly.

"Very well then. I guess Headmaster Dippet's office will be a safe place to carry our conversation."

"Ahh yes of course. If you will follow us then." Dippet chipped leading them to the Headmaster's office.

The Hogwarts castle was enormous and elegant. The ancient engravings on the wall was alluring as though depicting the stories of the founders and there time here. The torches that lit only made it even more aesthetic. Nikephoros had to agree that the adjectives used by wizards and witches to describe Hogwarts certainly did not do justice to its captivating beauty. The founders had done quite a proficient job. However the forest as the centaurs claimed was known as the forbidden forest was unknown to her. She had never heard of it during her time, perhaps it was named later.

The Hogwarts castle deeply reminded her of her kingdom's castle. The kingdom must be in chaos and so must be the subject, she thought. She had to return back to her kingdom, it was her father's death wish that she be the one to run his kingdom and Nikephoros would do anything to fulfill her father's wish. People in her time needed her and she didn't understand what game the nature was playing. Wasn't it against the law of nature to be in a time period than her own, to time travel. It was a common knowledge amongst the hunters that future is unforeseen and hence should not be unraveled before its due time. Future is to be protected and time travelling can seriously damage it. What is to happen will happen and no changes should be made to it for it is sincerely going against the law of nature itself. Then why had the feather of destiny thrown her into future, she couldn't understand. What plans did it now have?

They soon reached what she could only say was the entrance to headmaster's office at the seventh floor.

"Thunderbird." As soon as the word was said by Dippet the huge gargoyle stepped aside and a circular moving staircase concealed behind it was revealed. Nikephoros climbed the stairs after Dippet and Dumbledore that lead to a huge room with portraits of people snoozing. The room was filled with books to the brim and in the center was a table with parchments scattered over and books open. Dippet went to the other side of the table and gestured Dumbledore and Nikephoros to take a seat across him.

"Very well then dear. How about you start with your name and who you are because certainly you are no student." Dumbledore broke the silence while Nikephoros took a deep breath.

"I am Nikephoros Wharncliffis and I am most certainly not a student. You will have to understand that there are things that i still do not know however I will try my best to answer whatever I can. My father Abelardo Wharncliffis was the king of Sarmatae. From what the centaurs have told me I have most definitely time travelled. This is 1943, isn't?"

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