Chapter 6

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"You could always give up." The grey-eyed boy tauntingly commented, his aristocratic sun kissed face adored with a mischievous smile and his sandy brown hair completely messed up.

"NEVER!" The small girl, no more than perhaps eleven sneered with sole determination in her fiery hazel eyes. She carefully watched his movement, calculating her opponent's next move. "I would rather die than give up." She spat frustration etched upon her face.

The boy walloped again but she brought her weapon up just in time, the swords making a loud clinking noise. With all her strength she pushed the boy, making him stagger backwards almost loosing his balance.

"Ah! I must say, you are improving Nikephoros." The boy exclaimed, mildly shocked by her strength and tactic.

"And soon I will be winning brother." This time it was her who struck first but Theodosios was far more than ready to duel with her. The two went back and forth, the clanking of the swords echoed as it bounced off the walls of the temporary combat chamber. There father who was amusedly watching them had a proud smile upon his face as he saw how much they had learned over time and improved. There was no doubt in his mind that Nikephoros like her elder brother would soon be ready to step into the battlefield.

"Accept your defeat dear sister. I am clearly winning." Theodosios mused trying to distract his younger sibling and it unfortunately seemed to be working.

"Really! I don't see you winning." She scorned at the smug expression on his face. Nikephoros took combats very seriously because she absolutely hated when her brother would tease her for days after he had defeated her, making her life a living hell. She would give her absolute best to win but since Theodosios was four years older to her and had much more experience on battlefield he would always come out as the winner. But that never held her back. She would give every ounce of strength, tactic, ability and whatever else she had learned into the fight just as she was doing now. But the fact remained that her brother was still far more experienced than her.

A blue spark threw Nikephoros off guard and she flew to the other side of the training ground falling straight on her back. Before she could comprehend anything further and get up to strike back, her brother had the tip of his sword pointed at her neck. She was now fuming with anger.

"You cheated! Father, he cheated! He used magic when we were only having a sword fight." She then turned towards her brother, her eyes narrowing dangerously, "You knew you were losing, so you resorted to cheating. How dare you!"

"Aww, is someone being a sore loser. Now now Nike, such an act is not expected from a Marked Hunter to say the least." Theodosios tauntingly commented with a sly smirk on his face. "Accept your defeat."

"That's enough. When will the two of you ever learn to stop bickering. Behaviour such as that is unacceptable for a warrior lest a Royal." He strode from his throne like chair and walked to the training ground. He turned towards Nikephoros, placing his hand on her shoulder and addressed her. "It is necessary for you to know Nike that your opponent will never play fairly. He or She will use every trick up there sleeve to defeat or kill you. It is up to you to be able to strike before they do. There is no right or wrong when you are at a war. Your morals are to be left behind when at a battlefield if you wish to live and come out as a winner."

Nikephoros frowned. Something what her father had told her didn't sound right to her. Morals were what shaped us into a better human being and leaving them would be like abandoning something very important of your life. Battles could be fought righteously, and could be won rightly so. Then why do we need to stoop low by giving up what we believe in to win a war that could be won with our morals. But she didn't voice her opinions and questions out aloud. It would be disrespect towards her father who was far more experienced than her. She hadn't even fought a real battle till now. Maybe her father was right or perhaps when time came she could somehow use both the beliefs, she thought to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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