Conner X Victim! Reader

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Requested by skyisfandomtrash

Conners pov

I got another message from the station that another deviant attack happened,

"lieutenant, another deviant attack just happened exactly 47 minutes ago, I suggest we go right away" I said calmy

"really? Another fuckin deviant case, we just finished the other one 15 minuets ago" lieutenant stated

"actually it wa-" before I could finish my sentence lieutenant gave me and death stare and I knew I had to stop speaking

Me and lieutenant got in his car and drove off to the destination, when we got there, there were many police cars and one ambulance.

Me and lieutenant got out of the car, I followed him until he told me to look around for more evidence and question the victim.

While I walked around there were some traces of blue blood but thats it, the rest of the evidence must be inside the house.

I went to the ambulance and saw some police men were trying to get her to tell them what she saw, I'm guessing they didn't succeed since they gave up and walked away.

I walked up to her she had h/c hair and e/c eyes her skin was s/c, she had puffy read eyes and and streaks down her face.

"excuse me miss, but can you tell me what happend, the more I know of the case the more I can help you"

She just looked down like she was in pain about what happened, the way she looked down made me feel something for her... I felt sad.

I don't know why I felt this way... Its mostlikly an error in my system, I will tell Amanda as soon as.

"Miss if you don't tell me anything I'm afraid, we'll have to just assume that you was lying about this."

" android at-attacked me, I don't why it did... I've never been mean to my android... So why?" her voice cracked.

"I-I don't know..but if we catch it we can figure out why."

I felt bad but I have to find that deviant.

"w-wait! I can help, I know my android better than anyone" she begged, "please"

I looked her straight in the eye,

"I'm sorry but I cannot let you join, the android might still be here and could still try to kill you also lieutenant would kill me if he found out" I calmly replied

As I walked away she grabbed my hand, as I tuned to look at her I had a warm sensation coming from my face.

"I promise I won't tell anyone and I won't get in the way, I just want to help." she begged even more

"fine just be careful, I wouldn't like you to get hurt"

As I walked with her I followed the trail of blue blood, it lead to a dead end, where could have it went?

"it could have escaped through the attic or could be on the roof since there is a window in the attic" she politely told

"there was broken glass on the front porch and no windows on the first floor had no broken windows, do you have a ladder?" I asked

"yes... Umm it's usely in the closet over there..." she quitely responded

As I opened the closet brooms and mops fell on me, but no ladder

"do you think it took the ladder with it?" I enquired

"I don't know... Why? Is the ladder not there?"she responded

" I'm afraid n-"

" CONNER! what are you doing with the victim" Hank called ouy

"she wanted to help with the case, sir"

"I don't give a shit whether she wanted to help or not, if she got hurt that's on my hands ya know, so get her back outside and stay there you here me?!" he aggressively yelled "stupid fuckin android" he grumbled as he walked away

As I walked back to the ambulance with y/n she was grabbed and dragged behind.

As I turned to see what had happened the deviant had a knife to her neck.

"STAY BACK! ALL OF YOU, OR I SLIT HER THROAT!" he insanely yelled

"take it easy, just please, let her go and you won't be harmed." ^24% chance of him letting her go


"y/n did nothing to harm you if I'm correct." I questioned him   ^36% chance if him letting her go


"then if I'm one of you, trust me and let her go!" I attempted to convince   ^62% chance of him letting her go

As she struggled more tears left her shattered eyes,

"please! Let her go and I promise they won't harm you!" I begged

"the sinserity in your voice makes me want to believe your words," he told   ^68%  chance of him letting her go

"trust me and I can convince them that you're not gonna be useful if your dead, okay?" I pleaded

"..." he didn't say anything ^93% chance of him letting her go "I dont want to be used for anything though... I JUST WANT TO BE FREE!". 87% chance of him letting her go

"look it's the best I can do, so please, will you co-operate or do you want to die?" I calmly replied

He let's her go, she fell into my arms still crying. I put her down and went behind the deviant and I held his arms behind his back.

"lieutenant! I've caught the android" I yelled

He rushed outside panting,

"damn..... How did you catch it so fast?" he asked

"its in my program lieutenant, I thought you knew this." I calmly responded

"Ben! Jim! The androids here!" he yelled out to the other cops.

I wnt back to her helping her up, and I walked her to the ambulance. As I walked away she grabbed my hand.

"please... Don't go!" she asked quietly

I genuinely felt bad for her. This is definitely not in my program, I was made to catch androids and only complete my mission, but I don't care I just needed to be near her.

The end

Ughhhhhhhhh 1073  words damn boi well enjoy

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