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      You were best friends with Ashton and he introduced you to Luke, Calum, and Michael which led to all of you being best friends. You were a songwriter and helped them write songs so that led you to touring with them. Wherever they went you went. Since the album came out you wanted to surprise them with a gift.

      "Y/N where the fuck are we going? ", Michael groaned. "Just shush and wait its a surprise. We're almost there anyways. ", you said mumbling the last part.They all sighed and anyone could see the boredom on their faces.

      What you, friends, and some crew members did was rent a venue and have a huge party for the boys. You even got a "special guest" to attend the party.

      "Okay boys we're here. ", you said getting out of the car. They all exited the car and mumbled a things along the lines of 'What the hell are we doing here'. 

      You opened the doors to the venue and family, and friends all yelled out either congratulations or surprise. All the boys had huge smiles. You guys shared a group hug which you thought you would die from when finally they all pulled away.

       "I swear you are the bestest friend ever Y/N!", Calum yelled. You smiled while the rest of the boys thanked you and told you how you're a great friend.

      "Hold on boys there someone that wants to congratulate you. ", you smiled and started walking across the venue with the boys following. When Ashton saw who the person was he couldn't contain himself.

      "HOLY FUCK IT'S WILL SMITH! ", he shouted. And all the boys ran over to him and they probably took over 50 selfies with him. They were all chatting with Will Smith so you went to talk with your friends.

      After about an hour the boys came up to you again. Calum looked like he just lost something while the rest of the boys had big smirks on their faces.

      " Y/N I need to talk to you about something. ", Ashton said.

      You nodded,  and followed him outside. He turned to you and smirked. " First,  I want to thank you for all of this, you're the greatest best friend. Second, I know your secret. ", he spoke with a smile.

      You didn't have any secrets, " What the hell are you talking about?", and it was true, you didn't know what he was talking about.

       He smirked again, "You like Calum. Or love, it's pretty obvious and he likes you too. ".

      You were thinking. You did like him. You liked him since the day you met him, but pushed the feelings aside. You almost forgot about those feelings until now.

      " See I knew you were in love with him! ", Ashton smiled.

      He grabbed my arm and we went inside. Ashton spotted Calum, Luke, and Michael and we walked over to them. No one said a word, and it was really awkward just standing there surrounded by people dancing. Ashton sighed and pushed you into Calum. Ash and the other boys left you and Calum.

      "So... How are you. ", Calum asked awkwardly. And it was awkward, people were dancing all around you and Calum's chest was pressed to yours.

      " I guess I'm alright, I'm proud of you guys. But I've been caught in an awkward moment.", you sigh. Calum just chuckles,  " Yeah, awkward. ".

      Calum's face was only inches from yours and neither of you spoke . Soon enough Calum's lips came in contact with yours. It shocked you a little bit, but you still kissed back. After a few moments you pulled back to catch your breath.

      Then Calum bent down and whispered in your ear,  "Be mine? ".

      He then looked you in the eyes with a hopeful look,  and you nodded smiling like an idiot. He smiled as well and kissed you again. Now it was just you and him, together forever.


      Sorry if this sucked and is way to long for y'all. I was really bored and about half way into writing this I got a little carried away. So hope you like dis if you read it.  We're sorta less busy now so yay I guess.  AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ASHTON IRWIN, I CANT BELIEVE HE'S 20 NOW. I hope he has the best day ever! BBBBBYYYYYEEEE ❤ Julia

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