Little Things

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My favorite imagine I've written because I can really relate to it. I hope you guys like it! :)

As I stare in my mirror, my brain continuously makes lists of downs. That's what Niall calls them. My downs. Because I'm downing myself by thinking bad thoughts.

I constantly want to tear myself apart. Not suicidal, but enough to make me think that life is stupid and so is everyone apart of it.

Except Niall. He's so different. He doesn't call me things to make me feel better. He tells me that life is worth living, and that he'll help me through it. That he'll always be there for me. And that's enough. I just need someone to show me that life is not intended to be easy, but it is worth fighting for.

"No more downs," Niall whispers, as he takes my hands and kisses them, slowly walking towards the bed.

"Niall, I'm not sleepy."

"But it's past eleven o'clock," he counters.

"I know.. can we get some ice cream?"

His face brightens at the mention of something edible. "Sure!"

I smile as his arm slithers around my waist, pulling me down the stairs.

I scoop chocolate ice cream into two bowls and hand one to him.

"I have an idea," Niall says, swinging open the fridge door. He pulls out blueberries, strawberries, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream. In the cabinet, he pulls out other ingredients for an ice cream sundae.

He grins, holding up his ice cream. "What does this represent?"

My eyebrow quirks. "I have no idea."


My confused expression tempts him to explain; "(Y/n), I know I've told you that I don't want to be another person to just compliment you on your looks and stuff to make you feel better. Because I think you're so much more than that. But tonight, I really want to. I want to tell you how beautiful you are."

I shyly smile and kiss his cheek, telling him that it's alright.

"Okay," Niall grins. He takes the blueberry package and tosses a handful in my sundae bowl. "These are your freckles. Delicious and sweet!"

I make my way around to Niall again, standing in front of him as he continues; "These two strawberries are your feet. Awkwardly shaped but adorable!"

I burst out laughing, and he hugs my waist and kisses my cheek as I shake my head.

"This chocolate syrup represents your hair. Dark, thick, and luscious, but very tasty," he says, as the bottle makes that odd sound when the liquid squirts out. "That represents your brain farts, (y/n)."

I start laughing again and spin around to press my lips to his. He kisses back until he steps away to continue. "Now, where was I?"

I lick my lips as he holds up the whipped cream. "This is your face," he says smiling, "white as snow, but very, VERY yummy to lick."

I make a disgusted face. "Niall, you do NOT lick my face."

"How would you know? Maybe I do it while you're sleep!"

I gasp and he laughs, "Just kiddin you, (y/n), but it seems lickable. It's very soft."

I blush and he dabs the fluff in the bowl.

"Now, for the sprinkles," Niall holds up the small container, "these are how about your lips? Cuz they're sugary." His eyebrows wiggle lustfully as I punch his stomach playfully.

"And for these chocolate chips.. they're your eyes. Chocolatey, obviously, but they make me melt. Really, (y/n), they do because every time I look at you, I know in your eyes that you're the one for me."

His ocean blue orbs are teared up, and are mine as I quickly wrap him in a hug, tightly squeezing as our bodies mold to each other. "I love you, Niall. So, so much. Thank you for this... thank you for everything. It means the world to me."

He kisses me again and pulls away to say, "You mean the world to me."

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