Chapter 3

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I will try and make my chapters longer sorry i know they are really short, there will be Larry action coming up on the vacation, tell me if you have any ideas for the vacation that's coming up and vote and comment if you like,



Harry's pov 

It was the day of leaving for the vacation today and Louis and I were packed and ready, waiting for Liam and the others to arrive to pick us up. Louis is chewing on a carrot while we wait and i'm pretty much just staring at him like a love struck teenager. 

Lately i just can't keep my eyes of him and who can't like come on he looks very cute chewing on his carrot in his suspenders, i hate to admit it but i have a crush on yes you guessed it Louis Tomlinson the one and only. 

I still haven't talked to him yet after that drunk incident, but i plan to while we are on vacation. I'm not looking forward to it though. 

We hear a knock at the door and pick up our luggage and take it to the car with Liam, we say hello to everyone and notice that Niall is eating Nandos and Zayn is checking out his hair of course. 

Its a 10 minute drive to the airport and a 12 hour flight to the island that has no Internet and connections to any other place in the world, the people there don't even have telly how the hell am i meant to survive just stare at Louis the whole day actually no that's a pretty good idea ugh cut out of it harry. 

We were now all boarding on the plane and Louis was trying to convince everyone that i was sitting next to him which i didn't mind at all,

"Hazza is sitting next to me Liam!!!!" Louis shouts to Liam

"Louis calm down we have seating plans i'm sorry you will have to sit next to zayn and Niall" Liam attempts to calm down Louis,

"No No No No I want to cuddle next to Hazza," Louis says with a puppy dog face, while i just grin at his cuteness,

"Well ugh fine i guess that's okay but this is your last warning Louis" Daddy direction says

"Yay i new you couldn't resist my puppy dog face Li-Li" Louis says happily,


Its been 10 hours and I've been mostly sleeping on Louis the whole time, we had two more hours left till we landed and Louis and i were the only ones awake so we decided to play a prank on zayn, we took all of zayn's mirrors from his carry on bag which he warned us not to touch and hid them all in our bags.

"Zayns gonna freak," Louis says cheekily

"Haha i can't wait to see his face it will be priceless,"

"What will?" Liam asks curiously at us while he just woke up,

"Oh nothing, no need to worry Liam," I say lying

"Oh okay i'm going back to sleep wake me up when we land" Liam says sleepily,

After that Louis and i try to go back to sleep lying back on each other,


We were woken up by a high-pitched squeal that sounded like Zayn, i look around me and see Zayn freaking out and keeps yelling "where are my MIRRORS?" while Liam is trying to calm him down, where as Louis, Niall and I are just laughing at him. We hand him back his mirrors and he glares at us but then sighs in relief holding his mirrors up to him, before checking his hair in them.


We were now arrived at the far away island as i like to call it and were at our suite which wasn't as bad as i thought but the Internet thing was a big downer.

Everyone was now claiming all of their bedrooms when Liam realised that two of us had to share so of course it was Louis and I who had to share because we were the closest. Can it get any worse and we have to share a bathroom like i don't mind sharing it with Louis but my feelings may get in the way big time.

Everyone was now in their rooms because we were all so tired after the long plane trip so it was just Louis and i in ours,

"I'm just gonna go have a shower and get changed," he told me

"Okay i'll just be here don't forgot your towel this time" i blush while saying it 

"Thanks for the heads up hazza i won't be long" he says smiling on those amazing lips of his,


I could hear louis had now turned of the shower and was probably going to come into change, i saw him walk out of the bathroom with all the steam coming off his partially wet body and i swear i could have fainted right there and then.

"i'm getting changed hazza so don't peek even though i know you want to," he says cheekily and i blush,

He turns his back to me while he drops his towel and gets changed, i couldn't help it and i peeked but i definitely do not regret it he has such a cute bum.

He's just wearing boxers and tracky pants now and i can't help but stare at his shirtless body as he turns around and walks closer to me,

"You peeked didn't you hazza?" he says with a grin while still coming closer to me 

"" i'm now stuck in the corner of the room with Louis in front of me trapping me with his hands either side of my face on the wall, i can't help but stare at his muscles flexing.

"You did didn't you?" he says his breath tickling me

"Maybe" i say really nervous as i am now blocked,

"Naughty hazza," he says to me extremely close, his body heat radiating onto me making me want him even more until he just walks out of the room pleased with himself with a smirk on his face, while i'm stuck frozen in awe of what just happened.

How am i meant to control my feelings when he does that to me and we share a room? This is going to be one hell of a vacation.

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