Chapter 4

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Hey Everyone hope you are enjoying this, also i want to know if i should add some Niam in this story your choice? Theres a bit more of Louis pov in this chapter,

Enjoy chapter 4, Vote and Comment


Louis Pov

I don't know what came over me, that sudden burst of confidence, but I enjoyed seeing harry's shocked face. It's so confusing I'm having all these physical and emotional feelings towards Harry.

I'm now lying on the couch watching TV and it's 11pm while everyone else are sound asleep. I just can't sleep with all these thoughts in my head its frustrating.

After one more hour of thinking i decide i need to get some sleep so i go back up to the room i share with Harry and finally fall asleep with the peaceful thoughts of Harry.


Harry's Pov

I wake up to light shining on my eyes and i remembered that i forgot to close the curtains in my room, i open my eyes and turn on my side so i can stare at louis' peaceful sleeping face. I know it may sound creepy but from my point of view its not its just simply admiration.

"Don't you think its kind of creepy that someone is staring at you when you sleep hazza?" Louis suddenly asks his eyes fluttering open, so he was awake.

"um...i was just simply.... um looking not staring" I try to tell him

"Well if you put it that way but you really should take a picture it lasts longer," Louis says with a smirk,

"Sure, Sure keep telling yourself that boobear," i smile at my nickname for Louis.

"I'm going to go down and cook some breakfast, do you want any?" I ask

"Yes please hazza with carrots," he says

I walk down the stairs and find Niall sitting on the couch watching TV,

"Morning Niall, do you want any breakfast?" i ask him

"Yeah thanks harry," he replies

I start getting breakfast ready when Niall comes to the kitchen and asks,

"So how are things with you and Louis, you know after what happened" 

"It's really confused Niall I'm having all these thoughts i shouldn't be having about him and I don't know whats going on really," i reply frying the eggs at the same time

"Well why don't you just ask him how he feels Harry?" Niall says

"Ask what?," Louis come walking through the kitchen giving me and Niall a fright,

"Ah you gave us a fright Lou and its nothing," i reply

"If it was nothing you wouldn't be talking about it?" he asks curiously

"Seriously its nothing Lou just drop it," i say being stubborn

"Fine if you insist," and Louis drops the subject and asks

"When will breakfast be ready?" 

"In fact its ready now eat up," i say and take one last worrying glance at Niall before we all dig in our food.


Still Harry's Pov

We had now all finished breakfast, and everybody was downstairs and up by now, while i just told everybody i was going to find Lou because he had been gone for a while,

I wandered up the stairs we had in our suite and found Louis walking towards me.

"We wanted to tell you Louis that we're going to go for lunch soon so get ready" I told him, we were now both incredibly close next to each other my shirtless chest almost touching his covered chest,

"Okay will do harry i'll go get changed now with out you peeking at me," he said with a wink that made my heart literally skip a beat (A/N: MY HEART SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIPS A BEAT, sorry back to the story) his breath tickling me like once before, but just before he walked away he trailed his hand lightly along my exposed chest sending shivers all down my body and walked away.

The things this boy does to me will someday be the death of me i swear, if this happens one more time i'm going to have to get him back.


Louis' Pov (At Lunch)

We were now at lunch now and every now and then i would glance at Harry to see his perfect face and get lost in his eyes, snap out of it Louis. I need to stop thinking like this, I can't even control myself with when i'm near him, the last time when he told me that we were going for lunch with the boys i was so close to kissing him if we were any closer if that was possible.

We were now all mucking around with the boys at Nandos for lunch (Niall insisted) and I was pretty upset because i didn't get any carrots with my meal, but looking at Harry would solve all my worries. Zayn now had his arm around Harry and I couldn't stop the daggers i was sending from my eyes to him, and I think Liam noticed my odd behavior because he asked,

"Are you okay Lou you seem pretty tense at the moment?" Liam said whilst constantly glancing from me to Zayn.

"Yeah i'm just going to go to the toilet," I said I needed to stop these thoughts

I walked to the toilet and rinsed my face with water when i noticed Harry walk through the bathroom door, looking attractive as always,

"Are you okay Boobear?" he asked me with worry,

"Yeah i just have a bit of a headache," i said

"Nothing i can't fix," Harry said cheekily stepping closer to me each second,

We were both staring into each others eyes right now and i could see in his eyes, worry, concern, admiration and lust, he was now leaning in and so was I, I don't know what was happening but It was like my heart was controlling me, we were now so close to kissing I would feel his breath on my lips wanting his lips to be on mine, while suddenly the door barges open and a man walks into the bathroom with a disgusted look on his face and Harry and I quickly separated.

"Lets head back shall we?" I said to Harry trying to break the awkward silence between us both, by now the man was just taking a piss.

"Um....yeah we should head back the boys would be wondering what happened to us" he said nervously.

That was close I don't know what would have happened if we kissed but I was certain that I wanted to find out. The lunch continued but It was just awkward between Harry and I, soon we were back at the house and were all tired because it was such a long drive to find a Nandos in the middle of nowhere so we all went to sleep.

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