In the Next Room-Neon Trees

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[HEY!! You people are actually reading this!! Yay, I'm so happy. I hope you like it. So, keep reading and I'll keep writing!
I wanted to say thank you to Angleface44 for commenting in last chapter, thank you so much. You really encouraged me to write this chapter and write more chapters sooner than planned!!!!
Anyways, enjoy!! Comment, rate, and vote for me please guys!]

Le song: In the Next Room- Neon Trees

Feet hit the pavement and voices yelled out in screams. The small candy town, that was located near the Candy Kingdom, was engulfed in mayhem. All round the candy citizens bumped into each other and ran over the fallen ones. Panic ran through the town like the flu, and soon the prince had to be notified.
All this chaos and commotion was created from one single person, a vampire that took scaring the people as a sport. He, being Marshall Lee, floated above the scattered people and laughed at their fright. Swooping down, he picked up a small candy man and toyed with him above the ground.
"Please, help me!" He yelled over the crowd of running people but no one payed attention and continued with their panicking.
"Oh, it's fun." Marshall said as he dangled the guy my his feet. He swished him back and forth before letting the limbs go. The man fell through the air, screaming murder. Peopled stopped to watch, some covering their eyes and others watching in disbelieve. He man was about a foot from the ground when Marshall swooped in and grabbed around his ankle.
"MARSHALL LEE! PUT THAT MAN DOWN!"Marshall froze and looked up to the person yelling his name.
'There he is!' Marshall thought. Inside his chest he felt a pulse, then another and another until his heart was beating so quickly he could feel it in his toes.
"Yes?" He answered, a slick smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.
Gumball put his hands in his hips. His face, normally a light pink, was turning red with anger and his groomed eyebrows pushed together with frustration. One hand pulled away from his hip and clenched into a fist when Marshall didn't put the man down and he yelled.
"NOW!" Marshall was taken aback and quickly turned the man and set him down on his feet. Gumball's face lighted, only a bit, and he pointed to the castle. "Go to my office." His voice was a whisper and his eyes glared at Marshall. It hurt. It felt like he was being stabbed with daggers.
Marshall landed on the ground and walked to his destination with Gumball behind him. The silence was poison, it burnt and stung like the sun. Marshall's head dropped down and his chest hurt from all of the heart-beating. His hands started to tremble and built with sweat as the stood in front of the large red door. Gumball opened the door and motioned for Marshall to enter, which he did and floated to the desk.
"Nice place ya got." He hid the guilt he was feeling and the crazy love he denied for Gumball and started picking things up, playing with them.
"Marshall, stop." Gumball walked up to the floating boy and yanked the pink,round stress ball from his hand. "Go sit in the chair." He set it down and watch Marshall hover over the chair.
"Okay, what's up Gumball." Gumball's eyes widened and his cheeks filled with the dark red again. His fingers clenched into a fist and his nails dug into his palms. He was pissed, no he was furiously almost vicious looking.
"Excuse me Marshall!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Your majesty." Marshall chucked at the end of his sarcastic sentence. Gumball took a deep breath and closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.
'He's so cute."
Marshall smirks and gets an idea. He fiddles with his fingers and looks up at Gumball. His red eyes look up at the irritated boy, giving off a sexy/ sorry vibe. He watches Gumball's reaction carefully with his cherry red eyes.
"Why are you so mad at me? I was just having fun." This makes Gumball blow, and Marshall cheer in accomplishment.
"WHY-why am I mad at you? Marshall you were terrorising the citizens, you can't just do that!" He began yelling, but quickly caught himself to remain composed. He turned away from the smirking vampire and pinches the bridge of his nose again.
"Oh come on, it's funny." Marshall says with a laugh. Gumball, though, did not find this funny. He looked sternly at Marshall, not cracking the smallest of smiles.
"Marshall, this is not funny. People made of candy scare easy, they will explode. I can't have you causing all of the candy citizens so much panic to where they explode-"
"Okay, alright. I'm sorry, just shut up now." Marshall waved a hand in Gumball's direction, to motion him to be quiet. He looked over, his cherry irises locking with Gumball's for a second.
His breath caught in his throat, sticking in it like he glued it. To Marshall, Gumball's eyes were one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen, besides his face.
'Whats he doing to my heart guts?!?'
Marshall glanced aways from Gumball, ducking his head to avoid his sparkling eyes. Marshall was sure that his cheeks had burned into a soft red. His hands lathered with sticky sweat as they shake, itching to touch the pink boy across the room.
"Marshall?" It was faint and he almost didn't hear his name being called. Slowly, he pushed his head up to meet eyes with Gumball.No, he couldn't do that, so he scanned his pink face; every inch being looked at except his eyes.
"I have to go." He landed on his feet, walking to the door quickly to avoid any further questioning. He knew Gumball was going to ask if he was okay, and usually he would lie about it; tell him he's fine and to screw off. But, he didn't think he could lie to Gumball about this, he actually wasn't sure if he could be around Gumball without feeling the truth bubble and rise inside of him.
Once outside the giant office doors, Marshall began to think; which is a bad idea for the...not so bright...vampire. His thought wondered to places and events he'd rather not remember. Gumball was the prince of the Candy Kingdom, anyone-anyone!- and it had to be him. Marshall's hands shook, now with anger. He had to leave, had to go home where he could lash out without the love of his life as a whiteness.
His steps down the empty hall were heavy. They echoed all the way down and back. A maid, a small little peppermint woman, holding tray of cookies, turned the corner. She smiled sweetly at Marshall, stopping him and offering a cookie without the use of words. Marshall's face heated up, boiling with anger and he couldn't wait. He flipped they tray, sending all of the cookies to fly around the hallway in every direction. The peppermint maid let out a small, almost silent, shriek of terror. Marshall didn't feel bad, not yet, and he stormed out of the palace; leaving poor Peppermint Maid to clean his mess.
By the time Marshall made it home he was pissed, no beyond pissed. He was furious, outraged with his doings. He wasn't mad about loving Gumball, he was mad that he had scared Peppermint Maid and made a mess of perfectly backed cookies.
The whole Gumball situation confused him. He was thinking too much about it to the point where it was driving him insane.
"He messing with my fucking brain!" Marshall said, gripping the hair on the side of his head and giving a painful tug. He rested his back against the pink wall of his living room, sliding down and bringing his knees to his chest. His arms wrapped around his knees weakly, hoping to pull them closer but failing. He was so confused, so lost in what was happening. He was over a thousand years old; even when he was in love with Ashley some hundred years ago,his chest never hurt like this and his mind didn't blank out.
Marshall felt something cold trickle down his cheek, the same thing happening to the other. He blinked, more of the watery feeling ran down his pale cheeks. He was crying, something he hasn't don't in a long time. He was shocked by this, mostly because he was crying over Gumball; over love.
Soon the soft flowing increased and Marshall couldn't contain it anymore. His forehead rested in his knees as the tears poured out of his maroon eyes like a waterfall. His chest heaved and his shoulders shakes.
'This isn't happening, this can't be happening.'
His anger made it's way back, practically slapping him on the cheek. He stood, towering with a lowered head. His hands clenched into tight fists and he pulled his arm back, shoving it forward with more force that he thought he had. His hand went through the pink wall, cracking his knuckles in the process. He pulled his hand out, hitting the wall again and again. His tears chased each other down his face, more and more spilling over the brim of his eyelashes. His hand hurt, it stung actually, but he could care less. The pain in his chest hurt more, it was more of a taring rip.
When he pulled his hand free of the wall, his knuckles were cracks and bleeding. Bruises were already forming around the multiple small gashes. He looked at the wall, now decorated with holes, and let a sob escape his lips. A spell, it was like he was under some sick voodooish spell. The more he looked at Gumball he further he fell in this giant, pink hole of love. He yearned to touch him, caress his lips with his own, but there seemed like a invisible wall stood in his way.
He shook his head, trying to shake the though of this all away, and walked to the stairs. He climbed them, skipping a step as he walked up. He hurried to the bathroom, looking away from the mirror. He stood in front of it, holding in his breaths. Did he want to look up, see the mess, see he confusion?Did he want to see the outcome of love, something that's suppose to be magical and wonderful? Or was it simply, did he want to see what Gumball did to him? The answer to all of the above is no, he was terrified to see himself. But, he had to clean up and pick a mask to wear.
That's it, a mask. This was all just for show. Marshall wasn't a bad guy, most of the time he actually felt bad for messing with the candy people and he was always careful not to let them explode. He wasn't the bad boy everyone though he was, he just didn't want of world to see who he really was. He hid behind a mask, locked himself up in a shell to hide from the world.
He rinsed the blood from his hands, whipping them until the bleeding stopped and worked in his face. He cleared off dry, itching tears and splashed some cold water on. It cooled off his heated skin; he was sure he felt the steam rolling off of his face with the sudden temperature change.
Once his face was cleaned, not puffy and red, he walked out to the bathroom. He stood there, looking down the short hall, when there was a small knock on the door.
"Marshall?" The voice behind his red, front door was muffled. He couldn't tell who it was and he didn't want to, but he dragged himself down the stairs to open it. I front of him stood a very awkward Gumball, bundled up in pink scarves and a coat. His nose was red, so were his cheeks.
Marshall sighed and motioned Gumball to come in. He stepped to the side and Gumball walked past him, shooting the sweet smell if strawberries around him. He stood in the middle of the living room. A gasps escaped past Gumball's lips.
"What?" Marshall asked, shutting the door and turning around. He saw Gumball's widened eyes scanning over the various variety of holes in his wall. He sighed. "Sorry, your majesty. I didn't get time to clean up for you." Gumball faced Marshall, sending a small glare in his direction, and looked down. He noticed the scrapes on Marshall's hands.
"What happened?" Gumball's voice wasn't angry, like Marshall was expecting, but it was soft and...had a hint of worry.
"I, uh, got mad." He hid his hand by scratching the back of his neck.
"Obviously. I know that.Why?" Marshall's chest turned, that painful twist climbing through his veins. He wanted to tell him, yell it from the rooftops.
"Nothing. I was just thinking about some stuff. Nothing bad."
"Marshall," Gumball takes a step closer to the nervous vampire, "I'm worried about you." Marshall almost choked on nothing . He looked up at Gumball.
"'re. You're worried. About me?" Marshall pointed to his chest, dropping his hand when Gumball nodded.
"Yes, something's wrong and I would like to help." He sighed and sat in the couch, feeling a great amount of discomfort.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm just confused and I need to think about things. It'll be better tomorrow."Gumball sighed and sat next to Marshall. It was silent for a few minutes, the sound if berthing was the only thing to listen to. Gumball cleared his throat and faced Marshall.
"I know we don't always get along, but I do care about you. I want you to be sure you're okay, and if you ever, ever, need someone to talk to; know I'm always there for you." Marshall's chest heated up,the warm sensation he got around Gumball filling him. He looked at Gumball and nodded.
"Okay, I'll keep that I'm mind." Gumball smiles and stands, brushing the back of his thighs and looking down at Marshall.
"I will be leaving now, see you soon. Sleep well." Gumball exited the house, leaving Marshall alone to process his thoughts. He sighed and leaned back in the couch.
'Only of you knew, Gumball.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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