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"Hey, you a freshman?"

"Yeah, I am! What's your sign?"

"Sagittarius. You? Lemme guess, Libra, ain't you?"

"You are so spot on! How did you...?"

"Your sign is one of the most friendly in the zodiac sphere, including mine. See? We're able to hit it off right away! "

"I get where you're coming from!"

I heaved a sigh. Another round of chitchats consume the corridors as it is slowly filled up by new enrollees and transfer students for this semester.

I couldn't care less but it's almost 7:30 AM and by now, they should be over at the auditorium for the Student Welcoming Assembly.

I'm not typically concerned about them in particular, but I'm concerned about how this behavior might cause stress over My Queen.

Seriously. The nerves of these people.

I fixed my eyeglasses, hands folded over my chest, and walked down the hallway, all the while calling their attention to proceed to the auditorium.

"Have you heard about it?"

I stopped on my tracks just before I was about to turn the other way.

"I think I know what you're talking about. I mean, one would never pass the talks you hear when you enroll here at Zodiac High Academy."

Finally, an interesting conversation. And I clearly know who they are talking about.

"The Student Council President; AKA 'The Zodiac Queen.' She's the talk of the school. She must really be amazing."

I grinned devilishly. They got that one right. The Queen is a force to be reckoned with.

"Have you seen her already?"

"Would sure want to! I heard she is considered to be a Goddess here. I wonder why?"

I shake my head in disappointment. They don't even know. They should be enlightened about the wonderful being called the 'Zodiac Queen'!

"Our President is the first female President of Zodiac High Academy, hailed from the Aries Association."

The girls gossiping about were startled when I suddenly appeared by their side and started talking out of nowhere. Shock immediately turned to awe as they unconsciously stared at me. What's wrong with them?

"Anyways, the president doesn't want to be called 'Queen' in her presence so don't address her that way in person. 'President' or 'Pres' will do. We only call her 'Queen' where she can't hear it because she doesn't want to be addressed as one. See? She wants to be treated as an equal, but still, respect should be given. Don't call her by her name, too. I shall not allow it. It is unforgivable."

By this time, the girls were already flocking to me, so close for discomfort. They were about to open their mouth but I cut them off short.

"The Queen, unlike the rest of the students here with an elite family and social life, as well as a reputable background in the society, came from the middle class family category. She did not come from a rich upbringing, but because of the scholarship program, she was able to get admitted here. She is setting the standard for everyone in this school, a real model student of the millennial!" By now, I have my hands dramatically aimed above me. I just get so heated up when it comes to the Queen that I get consumed by what I'm talking and I--- Okay, enough. See? That's what I'm referring to.

Zodiac High Academy #WATTYS2018 [ONGOING]Where stories live. Discover now