chapter 12 (filler chapter)

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I didn't hang out with Ross today instead I went to the mall with my friend I meet in this stupid circle my mom is making me go to. her name is Hanna and instead of making people disappear with just a touch she can only do it with a kiss. right now we're sitting know the cafeteria eating lunch

"I got to go Hanna" i say looking at my  phone.

"what?" she asks disappointed

"I have to go see Ross. he says Its important" I take my last sip out of my drink

"where's my wallet" I place my phone on the table and search through my purse.

"right here" she picks it up out of her bag

"did you really try for steal my wallet?" I laugh

"no remember you put it there."

"I know well I have to go bye"

"bye" she waves


I meet up with Ross at a park it looked beautiful. he stood there in a tux with a huge smirk on his face and a basket know his hand

"you little romantic" I hug him

"I've been planning this all week" he smiles

"what time time do you need to be back?" he asks

"I don't know I'll ask" I search through my purse for my phone

"shoot! I forgot it at the mall!" I interupt Ross seating up the picnic blanket.

"maybe Hanna has it. here call her on my  phone" he hands me his phone I dial her number but there's no answer

"Ross" I sit on the blanket

"Yeah babe?" he asks making a sandwich

"I'm a little worried she always answers"

"she didn't answer" I shake my head

"maybe she's busy don't jump to conclusions call your phone" I dial the number but again no answer. I shake my head "let's just enjoy  our picnic."

"Oh Yeah my parents aren't home. neither are my siblings" he winks

"Oh stop I shove him"

"just saying"

"I guess I can come over. but that doesn't mean anything"


"I'll have sex when I'm ready"

"sex? Where is this coming from?" he laughs

"Oh shut up!" I laugh

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