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I knew it was going to be another bad day when Jenny entered the restaurant with a huge hangover

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I knew it was going to be another bad day when Jenny entered the restaurant with a huge hangover.

"Since when do you get drunk?" I asked her.

"I don't. I just drunk a little more than I could handle last night." she shrugged, adjusting her sunglasses.

"Since when do you drink in general?" Larry raised an eyebrow.

"First of all, speak quietly. I haven't had a headache this strong since that one time I was on my period and actually dying on my couch." she told him.

"It was my couch." he pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Oh, yeah. Right."

"I'm going to make you some coffee." Gramps offered and went to the kitchen.

"So... How was your date?" Dennis asked her. I mentally facepalmed and physically glared at him. He didn't appear to notice.

"It was good. We went at that new bar on the other side of the beach."

"Wait... the date was the night before the last. You had the day off yesterday. Did you get drunk twice the past two days?" Larry crossed his arms.

"Maybe? Larry, I'm an adult. I'm allowed to do whatever I want and I can sure as hell drink up if I want to."

"Jen, this doesn't sound a lot like you... You dont even play drinking games. You hate alcohol. I think that this guy you're dating is a bad influence on y--"

"Larry, I don't need relationship advice. Henry and I are just fine. I like him! And he's not bad influence and I can be my absolute self around him."

"Then answer me this question; why did you take the night off two days ago to go on a date with him, when you had the day off yesterday?"

"He had plans for yesterday and couldn't cancel. It was a last minute thing to take me along at his friends' place." Jenny shrugged.

"So he made you get out of working to go on a date with you because he had plans on the only day you were free? He doesn't even care about your responsibilities."

"That's for me to worry, okay? This is my relationship with someone else. You don't get a say in it."

"I'm just worried about you."

"Don't be. I can take care of myself."

"Jen, he's taking advantage of you."

"No, he's not. I think I'm a better judge of that, since you haven't even met the guy."

"Guys, this is getting intense..." I told them. They ignored me, too busy glaring at each other to pay attention.

"I'm just saying that ever since you started dating this Henry guy, you've started ditching your job, drinking and doing whatever he wants. I don't think you understand what he's been doing to you."

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