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"What?" my jaw dropped

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"What?" my jaw dropped. I stood there, emotionless, staring at everyone in disbelief. This wasn't happening. We couldn't be losing the restaurant.

"It's true." Dennis looked up from the table.

I shook my head, still unable to believe what they were talking him. "No! We can't be! We've had so much work the past two days--"

"Two days aren't going to make up for entire months, Lou. I'm sorry." Gramps' face fell.

"I refuse to believe it! There has to be a way to save it!" I protested.

"There is one way." Dennis started.

"No." his uncle glared at him.

"Bella is trying to help, okay?" Dennis said angrily.

"So now you're on a first-name basis, huh?" Logan crossed his arms.

"What's your problem?" Dennis sneered at him.

"That's not the damn point!" Jenny slammed her hands on the table.

"Jenny is right." Larry agreed lowly. Jenny raised an eyebrow, proving that they still weren't over the fight they'd had before.

"Dennis, we're not selling off to the Jade Industry, okay? It's the same thing as losing the restaurant. First they tell you you get to keep everything about your property, no matter what that may be. Then they start enforcing small changes that get bigger and bigger. In the end, there will be nothing left of Lila's." George turned his attention back to his nephew.

"Whatever..." he scoffed.

The bell we had over the door to signal us of any customers jingled.

"We're closed!" Jenny yelled.

"Even for me?" a guy I'd never seen before leaned against the door frame, flirtily winking at Jenny. He had blond hair that he'd tried too hard to make them seem messy and twinkling brown eyes. His smirk was flirtier than his wink.

Her gaze hardened. "Henry, I told you I was busy tonight."

Larry's expression went dark when he heard who the man was.

"I wanted to see you." Jenny's boyfriend shrugged.

"I have work to do." she crossed her arms.

"You just said that the restaurant was closed."

"That doesn't mean I don't any have work to do! Just go, I'll call you when I'm done."

"I could wait for you to finish your shift."

"I've already finished my shift, Henry. This is an emergency and I don't know how long it's going to take. Just go." Jenny hissed, looking at him meaningfully.

"I'm not going anywhere without you." Henry crossed his arms.

"I deserve some privacy and to spend time without you. We've been together for two days in a row non-stop. I need to catch my breath." Jenny told her boyfriend.

Lila's Seafood Restaurant / LSFR #1 | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now