🐚 PLAN B 🐚

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It really was a long night of brainstorming, but eventually we came up with a way to mix up all the ideas we'd had the night before (when we were still peacefully discussing and not arguing and destroying lifelong relationships) in a manner that c...

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It really was a long night of brainstorming, but eventually we came up with a way to mix up all the ideas we'd had the night before (when we were still peacefully discussing and not arguing and destroying lifelong relationships) in a manner that could actually work out.

Dennis decided to stop being an idiot and tried to help this time, which was much appreciated despite things being awkward between us after everything that took place the previous night.

After we agreed on the idea, everyone started planning the party we'd have at Lila's, while Larry and I worked on Lila's old recipe.

Logan and Dennis mostly started working on the invitations and the promotional posters, as well as Lila's Facebook page (which had been Logan's idea years back and he ran it for the most part). Everyone in the island would know, and they'd hopefully attend too.

Jenny and Larry finally got together, and I consider this one of the highlights of that summer- and there weren't lots of them. The night the argument between Jenny and Chad broke out, she left with Larry and they came to the restaurant together the next morning giggling, exchanging shy glances and avoiding everyone's gaze.

I think that their behavior made the thing they wanted to hide pretty obvious, if you know what I mean...

Whenever Larry and I took a break from working on the recipe and Logan took a break from advertising the party with Dennis, I spent some time with my boyfriend.

It felt nice calling him that.

We were generally pretty open about our relationship and one might say that we moved a little too fast, but what's the point of going slow when you've known your partner for so long that you already know everything about them? Besides, I savored every moment with him because as the days went by, everything became more stressful and the times we spent together rarer.

When the preparations were over a couple of weeks later and the party was about a week away, Logan and I finally got the alone time we deserved- and whoever thought what I think they thought should get their mind out of the gutter, okay?

It may have been a fast-paced relationship, but not that fast. Not yet, at least...

I'll never forget the moment Logan and Dennis rushed into Lila's, seconds after I'd d taken an order, and announced they were done with the posters and invitations.

"We're done!" Logan said loudly, stretching as he entered the restaurant.

All I did was bounce up and down, beaming, before I ran towards him to hug him, getting swept up in his arms instead. He spun me around, before carefully laying me back down on my feet.

I high-fived Dennis, because things were still kind of awkward between us, and would have probably made out with Logan in front of everyone, there and then, had Larry not called me back into the kitchen.

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