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I walk out of my room into the living room to see Jungwoo standing there with a donut and a coffee. "You ready?" He asks sweetly. I chuckle. "How long have you been standing there?" I ask while taking the coffee and donut from him. "Not THAT long." Jungwoo says blushing a little.

"Let's go then!" I say grabbing my jacket. Jungwoo smiles. "Ok!" We walk over to the car and get in. "So where is our little adventure taking place today?" I ask excitedly. "With the fish!!" Jungwoo says with great excitement. "Let's go with the fish then!" I say back.

Once we got to the aquarium we got down and got our tickets. "I'm so excited!" Jungwoo said jumping up and down as we walk inside. "Jungwoooo don't jump around you'll scare away the fish!" I laugh while slightly holding him down.

"Woooooah" My eyes grew big at the sight of all the fish. "There are so many!!" Jungwoo squeals. He runs up to the glass and admires all the fish. We continue to marvel at all the fish and point out our favorites.

"That ones my favorite!!" Jungwoo points to one of the small ones. "Why?" I ask. "Cause it looks like you!" I act shocked. "Excuse me!?" "It's all small and adorable!!" I laugh. "But that's you not me!" I say back. He rolls his eyes. "I'm not as small as you." I laugh.

Jungwoo moves away from the glass and grabs his phone. "What are you do-." "Stay right there!" I freeze. "Why?" "Cause I wanna take a pic of you next to the fish!" I chuckle. "Ok." I smile and let Jungwoo take the picture.

"Let me see it!" I say asking for his phone. Once he hands me his phone my eyes grow big. "Why and how did you take so many!?" "Cause I wanted to make sure I got a good one and you just looked so nice so I just kept pressing the button and there you go." He smiles proudly. "You better not delete any!!" He says sternly. I laugh handing him his phone. "Don't worry I didn't."

As we're walking we pass by a presentation on the sharks. "Wooooah" We both say in unsion. We sit down in the seats and watch the presentation on sharks.

Once the presentation was done we go up to the tank with the sharks and take some pictures. "You're so cute!!" I said taking a pic of Jungwoo. "Not as cute as you tho!" I laugh at his cheesy compliment.

We walk out of the shark area and go to the sting rays. "Omg look at them babe!!" Jungwoo says. "Would you like to touch one?" An employee asked. "No thank you." I say nicely. "Nonsense! She'll touch them!" Jungwoo says smiling.

Jungwoo starts to touch the strings that come by him. "They're so smooth and cute!!" He says continuing to touch them. "That's great!" I say slowly backing away. "Where do you think you're going!" Jungwoo says. "No where I guess." I sigh going back to Jungwoo's side.

"It's not dangerous or anything don't worry! I'll be right here!" He says. I smile at his words and get the confidence to touch it. "You're right! It's all soft and cute!" "See!! Just like you!" I slightly hit him. "Stop being so cheesy!" "I can't help it! It just comes out when I'm with you!"

We finish going through the aquarium and go outside. "Today was so much fun!" I say. "I'm so glad you had fun!" "Did you have fun?" I ask facing him. "With you? Anything can be fun." I blush. "Even if we're cleaning the house?" "Even when we're cleaning the house." Jungwoo smiles and gives me a kiss

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