Chapter 6

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A/N: I'm so sorry I've been so busy!! T_T Thank you for sticking with me on this story.

~~Marcus Field.~~

On the jet, when Mary woke up, she was scared. Of course shes only seven so what more could you expect.

"Marker!" Mary screamed.

"Mary... Mary... Calm down... It's okay. I promise. Look at me! Are you feeling okay? Like no pain?" I asked freaking out.

"It hurts... But I'm okay. I'm not crying or anything," she said wincing.

"Okay now tell me the truth. Is it bad?"

Mary just nodded. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Ten minutes until landing time."

"Almost there, you want the shot now or just the pill?" I ask.

"Pill. Please." Mary said wincing with every slight movement.

After handing her the pill, I strapped her in and held her hand showing I wouldn't leave her side. Ever.

"Mary wanna see what movies we have at the house when we get there? We have to share though and remember my name is Aden. Okay? Yours is Ally."

"Aden and Ally? Matches." Mary smiled.

"The jet has landed thank you Field family for choosing us."

"Well let's go." I say standing Mary up.

Walking out of the jet I see our car. Our car was amazing. It was a cherry red Dogde Challenger made for four, not just two.

"Marker, is this your car?"

"Yes Marebear, I think I'm going to buy it if all goes well."

"Good." Mary sighed letting go of my hand to start walking car, but she winced when she took a step.

"Mary, you okay?" I said rushing to her.

"I'm fine, like mom always said, you can't baby the wound, it will just make it worse." Mary said smiling grimly.

"Take this medicine... Please. Then we will go."

Mary took her medicine and then we headed to our house that we share. It was ten o'clock when we got there and we were exhausted. I knocked because I saw lights on but there was one thing more I noticed.

"Hang on Tomas! I'll get it!" Was the soft voice coming from the inside of the door.

My necklace was geting so much warmer. It was beginning to tug softly.

~~Elizabeth Parker~~

I opened the front door And saw the adorable little girl in the strangers arms.

"She's so cute, but umm... Is she yours?"

The boy chuckled, "No this is my sister, Ally... Oh sorry, I'm... Aden!"

It looked like he just forgot his name there...

"Elizabeth, who is at the door?" Came the yell from my brother in the front room.

He looked taken aback, "Umm... Boyfriend?"

I laughed and shook my head no quickly. "It's my brother. Here let me help you with your belongings."

"Um, could you carry Ally?" Aden spoke.

"Oh sure." I said smiling and taking the sleeping child from the new boy.

When we became close enough for me to take Ally, our necklaces just joined together like a magnet. I looked up at the boy in awe. To see him looking down at me with the same expression. I hurried and took the child and sprinted to Aden's room then laid the child down. Then I got out as quickly as I could hoping to advoid contact with him in the hallway; to no avail, he tried to stop me by dropping some of his stuff. I took off full sprint. To get away. Finally I got back to the front room and grabbed Thomas by the arm and yanked him into the guest room.

"Thomas!" I whispered screamed.

"Okay what the hell is going on?" Thomas asked getting pissed, he knew it was a guy by the voice...

I reached for my necklace to find Thomas' gaze following my hand.

"No. No, it wasn't him was it?"

I gulped and nodded. And he was lying about him and his sisters names that much was obvious. What more could he be lying about, or will lie about...

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