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Jimin looked down at his hand and sighed. It was nine o'clock at night and his nails were a bleach blond again. He was really starting to worry for his soulmate's hair.

Recently, his nails have been pink, mint, gray, even orange. He's lost track of all the colours really. They all blended together in his mind. The only thing that's bothered him is how he's started to have to choose outfits due to the crazy colour choices of his soulmate.

Over the next thirty minutes, Jimin's nails gradually darkened. Jimin smiled at the new colour. It was really nice. It was a perfect deep, dark blueberry colour. Jimin simply couldn't imagine having such a bold hairstyle, but he silently praised his soulmate's decision. They must really be able to rock these colours. He really wished he could see their, probably fried, hair.


Taehyung nudged Jimin's arm to capture his attention. Jimin hummed as he dozed off in his chair in the lecture hall. It was too early in the morning, the chair too comfortable, the professor's voice too calming for him to stay alert.

"Jiminie. Look. They're changing it again? Already?"

Jimin opened his eyes then. Taehyung pointed to Jimin's hands. Jimin furrowed his brow as he raised his hands to stare at his nails.

The beautiful rich blue colour was fading quite quickly. Jimin huffed, wondering why they would feel the need to get rid of such a nice dye choice. He stretched his legs under the table and his mind drifted completely from the lecture.

Taehyung and him were staring down at his nails intently. The blue was an off-purple that faded in an awkward ombré to a yellow gray. Taehyung scrunched his nose.

"Wow, uh... Interesting choice." Taehyung scoffed quietly and turned back to his notes.

Jimin was utterly confused. None of the previous colours had been so... gross. One side of his nose scrunched as he sat back in his chair and picked at the odd colour adorning his hands now. Jimin was slightly bitter; not only did they fuck up their own hair, but they made Jimin's nails look bad as well.

Jimin had some time before his next class, so he decided to go for a walk. He was able to walk off campus and explore the city around his school, which he never really had time to do. He enjoyed the trees swaying in the wind, the bustle of people on the sidewalks, even the cars that whizzed by him.

As he neared a small plaza, he began picking at his nails again. The poor colour was still there. He shoved his hands into his pockets and prayed for his soulmate to change his mind quickly, regardless of any worry about being bald soon.

On the other side of the small plaza was a coffee shop. Jimin praised himself for taking some money with him and began to jog to the front door.

Just before he could open it, a couple of guys around his age were arguing in front of him. As he followed behind them, the shorter of the two held the door open for Jimin. He only got a quick glance of the guy, but he was in a huge gray scarf that swallowed his face and had a matching beanie atop his head.

"Thank you," Jimin muttered. The guy didn't acknowledge him.

Since the two entered before him, Jimin waited behind them in line. He looked down at his phone as if he wasn't actively listening to their argument.

"Hyung, listen, it's fine. I didn't mean for it. I can always just get you another bottle," the taller said.

The shorter grumbled somewhat angrily. "I told you I couldn't get it wet. You're such a little shit, Hoseok-ah."

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