a year later

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Jimin woke to the sound of his boyfriend bustling around the apartment. He knew Yoongi tried to keep quiet, but he was truly awful at it. Jimin stretched his arms above his head and kept his eyes shut, dreading having to expose them to light.

Jimin tried to scratch at his head but a peculiar feeling halted him. Bringing his hand in front of his face, he realised he had bandaids on his fingers, each a cute pastel colour. His other hand was adorned with them as well. Each fingertip was meticulously covered. He was still staring at them in confusion when Yoongi walked in.

"Good morning," he drawled. "Did I wake you again?"

Jimin met his boyfriend's eyes. "Hyung?"

Yoongi nodded his head as he read Jimin's expression. "Right, those." Jimin watched him adjust the glasses perched on his nose. "I have a bit of a surprise."

Jimin tilted his head curiously. "But what does that have to do with the bandages on my fingers? You put them there?"

Yoongi shuffled over to the bed and sat down on the edge, tucking one pyjama-clad leg under his other thigh. "I did."

"Why?" Jimin rubbed the sleep from his eyes with his knuckles, careful to avoid the sensitive skin with the rough plasters. Jimin perked up once he made the connection. He glanced up at Yoongi, his eyes then full of excitement. "Your hair?"

His hyung's hair was currently a pale blonde. It suited him well; it brought out the freckles on his cheeks and his messy waves were much more defined in bright colours.

"Yeah," Yoongi muttered. "I think you'll like it. But it has to be a surprise."

Jimin pouted at his words. "So I have to keep these on?" He rubbed at the bandaids momentarily. "How will I do anything?"

He saw Yoongi smile at him instead of answer. Jimin gave the older a questioning look.

"You're just really pretty when you wake up," he answered smoothly. Yoongi leaned over and tousled Jimin's already unruly hair.

Jimin hummed into his palm as he kept rubbing at his face. He was never one to wake up quickly. He reached out his hand and Yoongi took it, cupping his fingers with his own and resting them on the bed. Jimin closed his eyes and let his head fall forward slightly.

"Angel." Yoongi scooted closer on the bed to him. "You can go back to sleep. It's not too late. When you wake up, I'll be back."

"Okay." Jimin's mouth was pulled into a gentle smile when Yoongi leaned forward to kiss his forehead.

"And no peeking." Yoongi held up his pinky.

Jimin linked their pinkies and promised before sliding back underneath the covers. Yoongi helped tuck him in and left him after one last kiss in the dark room to continue resting.

From: glossy
be home soon. excited?

Jimin nearly screamed in pent up tension. He had waited for hours with his phone in his hand to not miss Yoongi's text. Jimin didn't want to wait any longer.

A few minutes later, Jimin could hear the jingle of keys outside the door. He stood up and ran over, throwing open the door before Yoongi could finish twisting the knob.

"Oh. Hey, babe," Yoongi said calmly. He smiled up into his boyfriend's eyes and walked inside.

Jimin moved backwards and watched as Yoongi closed the door. The older had a hat covering up his hair and Jimin was not happy.

"You're such an asshole, Min Yoongi. Just let me see," Jimin whined, trying to reach for the beanie. "I've been waiting," he sang.

Yoongi caught Jimin's wrists and pulled him closer. He kissed Jimin's nose despite his whining and started unwrapping the bandages.

Jimin gasped when the black nails came into sight. He looked up at Yoongi, who was halfway through Jimin's fingers, and gripped the beanie.

Yoongi laughed quietly as the hat was pulled off and his new dark locks spilled out. Jimin was beaming and petting through his hair.

"Oh my god, hyung," Jimin yelled. "This is fucking amazing."

Yoongi balled up all the bandaids in his hand and met Jimin's eyes again. "You like it?"

Jimin nodded enthusiastically. "Holy shit, yes." He used his plaster-free fingers to twirl more pieces of Yoongi's soft hair.

"I'm glad." Yoongi leaned in closer so Jimin had an easier time.

"How have I never seen you with natural hair?" Jimin couldn't stop himself from petting it.

Yoongi just shrugged. Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck and kissed his hair repeatedly. Yoongi put his hands on Jimin's hips and laughed at the ticklish feeling. He closed his eyes when Jimin brushed a few strands behind his ears.

"I think I'll keep it for a while. I missed my hair."

Jimin nodded quickly. "Please."

Yoongi smiled and hung up his jacket. He led Jimin into the living room. Jimin knew what was coming, so he sat down first. Yoongi leaned back and laid his head in Jimin's lap.

"Go ahead."

Jimin squealed happily. Whenever Yoongi got his hair dyed, it was always so soft. Jimin loved to play with it so Yoongi allowed him to for however long he wanted. It usually lead to Yoongi falling asleep with Jimin following soon after.

With Jimin's hands playing through his waves and rubbing soothing patterns on his head, Yoongi hummed gently and let himself rest. Jimin smiled as he helped Yoongi fall asleep. It was only right for Jimin to join him a few minutes later.

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