Chapter 18

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Tig was leading you back to the dorms, “I wanna talk to you about something.” he said, holding your hand.

He opened the door and helped you sit on the bed. He thought you were fragile because you were pregnant now. He shut the door and sat next to you.

“I’ve been thinkin’,” he said. You chuckled, “Uh oh..” you said.

He smiled, “Stop,” he said playfully, “I’m serious. You're pregnant now. We already got one kid together. I was just thinking..” he said.

“Go ahead. Say it.” you said holding his hand.

He gazed into your (e/c) eyes and grinned, “Will you marry me, baby?” he asked.

You jokingly gasped, “Become the Mrs. Trager?” you said, with a hand on your chest in “shock”.

“Mhm. Yep.” he said.

“Mm. Lemme think about it.” you said, looking away. His mouth opened in shock then you looked back at him, “I’m just kidding. Of course I will, baby.” you said, hugging him and kissing his lips.

He pulled back, “Get my crow?” he asked with a wink.

You grinned and nodded and kissed him again. He pulled you down and you made out with him on the bed for a good five minutes.

“Let's go tell the family.” you said. He nodded and pulled you up. You walked out and everyone was drinking and laughing.

“Hey! Listen up!” Tig yelled, catching you by surprise because you were so close to him.

Everyone turned around and looked at you and Tig. “We’ve got some good news.” you said.

“Great news, actually.” Tig said, smiling.

“We’re getting married, I’m getting his crow,” you said, patting his chest.

“And (Y/N) is pregnant.” he said.

Everyone was silent for a minute, which worried you. Your face went slack.

Then Chibs yelled and everyone started cheering. You laughed and felt relieved.

“Hap! Think you can do her crow tonight? Right now?” Tig yelled towards Happy.

Happy nodded and went to get his supplies.

Tig walked you to the Chapel and laid you on the table. Happy came in a prepped you for the tattoo; your first ever. Tig lifted your shirt a little and pushed your jeans down just enough for the tattoo space. 

The guys watched and Tig sat next to you and held your hand. You were gripping it tightly, that shit hurt. You winced every now and then and Tig just got closer to you.

Happy put petroleum jelly on it and then Tig lifted you up off the table. He covered your eyes and led you to a full-body mirror in a dorm room. “You ready?” he whispered in your ear from behind you. 

You nodded. He uncovered your eyes and you saw it. Tig’s crow. Permanently placed on your skin. You smiled and he rubbed his fingers around it.

He moved his hands to your belly and rubbed it. You put your hands over his and put your head back and rested on his chest.

“What’s your gut tell ya? Boy or girl?” he whispered.

You chuckled, “My gut tells me it's too early to tell.”

“What does your other gut tell ya?” he joked.

You laughed, “Boy.”

He kissed your cheek immediately after you said that, “I hope so.”

It's Been A While [Tig Trager x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now