Chapter 30

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You sat in the clubhouse, bouncing (Y/S/N) on your knee as you and Tig were talking. “Hey, baby..” he said.

You looked into his absolutely beautiful blue eyes, “Yes, Tiggy?” you asked sweetly. He grabbed hold of (Y/S/N) and pulled him into his lap, “You know what’s coming up?” he asked.

“Shit, it’s not your birthday, is it?” you asked. Tig chuckled, “No, still got a couple months for that, darlin’.” he said, “Next week on Tuesday is our 1 year anniversary of being married.” he said, grinning like an idiot.

You gasped, you almost completely forgot. “Oh my god, seriously? Oh, Tiggy, I’m so sorry, it completely passed my mind!” you said, worriedly.

“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. Calm down.” he said, “I nearly forgot myself if I hadn’t just been looking at my ring.” he chuckled.

“One of your rings, you mean.” you laughed. He smiled and you guys kept talking for a bit. Then your phone rang, (Y/D/N)’s pre-school. You slid the answer button, “Hello?” you asked.

“Mrs. Trager? It’s Ms. Davidson, director of Sunny Pre-School.” she said.

“Yes, hi. Is everything alright?” you asked. Tig looked at you as you spoke. “Actually, no. (Y/D/N) got into a small altercation with another student. We need you or your husband to come here right away.” she said.

“Um..okay. I’ll be there in maybe, 15-20 minutes.” you said before hanging up.

“Everything good?” Tig asked.

“Uh..(Y/D/N) got into an ‘altercation’ with another student. They want one of us to go.” you said. Tig stood up with a confused look on his face, “Damn, my little girl is fighting already? We’ll go together. Gem can watch (Y/S/N).” he said.

Tig handed him over to Gemma and you got in your car and Tig followed on his bike. You walked in and found your way to the main office. “Ah, both of you are here, good.” Ms. Davidson said.

She led you into her office and (Y/D/N) was sitting on a little sofa with her toy she brought with her. Tig went over to her and she smiled at his touch as you stood in front of Ms. Davidson’s desk.

“What happened?” you asked. Ms. Davidson sat down and put her hands together, “Your daughter pushed and scratched another child in her class this morning. She broke the skin.” she said.

Tig looked at (Y/D/N) and she looked away. He took her out of the office and she kept talking, “The parents are considering to speak to the board of education to have her expelled or at the very least, suspended.” she said.


“What happened, baby girl?” Tig asked as he crouched down to your daughter’s level.

“They were being mean to me. Saying that my toy was stupid and that I was stupid.” she said.

“So you wanted to push them? Baby, that’s not how you should act.” he said.

“They were being mean to me, daddy. They wouldn’t listen.” she said, before she started to cry.

He pulled her in for a hug and they went back inside. You looked at them and Tig went over to you, “The kid was bullying her. She didn’t know what else to do.” he said.

“The parents of the other child disagree. They say that (Y/D/N) started it first.” Ms. Davidson.

“Of course they fucking did! We all know you and they think our daughter is trouble because of her family! What, her daddy is a big, bad biker and you assume she’s a violent little girl?! It’s always the same in every school! Someone gets bullied and actually defends themselves, you make them the enemy, and the actual bully as the victim! When it’s the other way around! Get your head out of your ass, grow a spine, and do something about it!” you ranted.

Everyone was shocked at your little outburst, especially Tig. Ms. Davidson stood up, “Mrs. Trager, we do not tolerate violence of any kind here in this school. Your daughter is being suspended for the time being, expulsion is pending. Now take her and yourselves out of my school.” she said.

You raised your eyebrows, and then looked to Tig, “Take her to the car.” you said. Tig pulled (Y/D/N) close to him and shook his head, “I wanna see this.” You smiled a little and then turned back to Ms. Davidson. She looked at you and before she knew it, you back-handed her face, turning her cheek to a beet red color.

Tig started laughing and cheered at you, “We’ll find another school. All you guys are are a bunch of privileged little people with no joy or fun in your life. Daddy’s a biker, Mommy’s a badass, and little girl here, is a fast learner. Don’t take shit from nobody.” you said before storming out.

Tig picked up (Y/D/N) and held her on his side as he left, laughing with her. As he buckled her into her seat, he kissed her forehead and shut the door and went over to you. You were just about to get into the car and Tig held the door, “I love” he said before he kissed you.

He opened the door as you got in and then he shut it, kissing you again and waving to his little girl in the window. He got on his bike and followed you guys back to the clubhouse.

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