Never would have guessed

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OH, I'm such an idiot, why didn't I guess? It's so Harry, he always does stuff like this, why am I his friend he always messes stuff up, now what if Liam hates me? That's why he hasn't responded isn't it because he's probably laughing at me now! They're probably all laughing at me about it and teasing me! The tears stream down my face, I wish I could stop the tape and rewind and not send that blooming text! I don't know whether to reply to the text or not? If I send Liam one will I just look desperate? I sounded so stupid.

So it's been an hour and what have I been doing? Sitting on my bed crying so much, I haven't had the guts to send either of them texts but I know I need to so here it goes, my text to Harry "Harry, I hate you so much right now, seriously, why would you do that, you know what I've been doing the past hour? sitting in my bed with tears rolling down my cheeks! Are you happy, now? "

My text to Liam (he still hasn't responded to my last one) "Hey, sorry about that, heard what Harry did, please could we stay friends still? I really hate him now, just like you probably hate me!"

This time they both took seconds to reply literally, Harry: "Please don't hate me, it was a joke, I don't know why I did it really, please don't cry and no, when you're sad I'm never happy especially when it's my fault, you're like a sister to me, I love you xxxx" I couldn't even respond, I can't forgive him just like I always do, I'm nervous to see what Liam said, I hope he doesn't hate me, well I better go and read it.

Liam: "OMG hahahahahahahaha.......

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