The Past

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It was the fist week of the summer holidays (the summer I left Holmes Chapel) and I was talking to my guy best friend, James,  when Harry jumps out at us and scares the living day lights out of us! I jump into James' lap just as Harry takes a picture, I wasn't too sure why he took it at first but I thought nothing of it.

Two hours later while I was walking around the town I saw the picture up EVERYWHERE possible, literally! When I went to take one down I realised Harry had photo shopped it to make it look as though we were kissing full on the lips! what was he thinking? James has a girlfriend who he loves, what if she sees this and believes it, what will happen then? I thought to myself.

Walking out of new look I see a tearful eyed James, so of course I run up to him and give him a massive hug asking him what happened when Chloe, his girlfriend, runs out screaming "I knew it, why would I believe you were just friends? I'm such an idiot, why did I ever trust you? How long has it been going on for? Thought you'd never get caught did you? Probably laughing at me behind my back at every chance you got! Hannah, I thought we were friends!"

"Chloe, I am your friend, it's not what it looks like!"

"Friends wouldn't kiss friends boyfriends, that's what sluts do!"

Of course just at this moment James has to get involved "Chloe, Hannah is not a slut and you see these pictures, they're fake, they've been photo shopped, I swear"

"If, it's not true, then why did you just stick up for her and who would be so sick to do that?"

"I stood up for her because we're friends, and that's what friends do, the person who did this was Harry!"

"I don't believe you, James, we're over and I never want to see you again, I hate you both!"

After that she just ran off ad neither of us have heard of her since, of course James tried to get her back, but she just wouldn't listen.

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