Silly me

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"no, you don't understand! When I said I can't believe you believed him, I meant I can't believe you believed that he sent it , I was really asking you out,, promise! xo" I don't know what to believe anymore, is Harry being an idiot again? I don't think he would do it twice in a day, would he? Especially after he knows how pissed I was!

I decide to ring him so I can hear HIS voice, whoever he may be! Liam picks up after the first ring! WOW he's quick!!

"Hey Hannah"

"Oh it's you"

"Well, you did ring MY phone"

"Haha I know, well were you on your phone about 5 minutes ago?"

"Yes, I was it was really me, I did ask you!!"

"oh, wow"

"Don't act so surprised Hannah, you're a lovely girl and you're beautiful!"

"Ha, don't be silly, have you seen me?"

"I don't know why you're so insecure! Yes, I have had the privilege of seeing you"

In the background "oh, Liam, get in there buddy"

"Louis, shut up, really!

"So was that Louis Malik or did you get the name wrong before?" 

"Right, I have them now there is me and Harry obviously, then there's Louis TOMLINSON, Niall HORAN and Zayn MALIK"

"Ohhh, cool names, so when do I get to met them then?"

"Soon, you'll love them, but not as much as you love me obviously hehe"

"Of course not, Liam haha" What he doesn't know is that it couldn't be truer!

"Whatever, by the way Harry want's to talk to you"

"ERGH, well I don't want to speak to him particularly!"

"Well tough, you are!" I hear shuffling and weird noises before I then hear Harry's voice, I must admit I did miss it

"Hey Hannah, I'm sorry, please don't be pissed"

"You always do it Harry, do you not remember the last time?"

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