Zen x Shirayuki - I Love You

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The sun had gone down hours ago and Shirayuki was out in the Royal Gardens studying some of the herbs and flowers to see if they had a different effect under the moons light. Ryuu has talked about this before which caught Shirayuki's ear so she decided to experiment with all different kinds of plants rather than just the ones they were using at the time of discussion.

Shirayuki somehow had not grown tired despite overworking herself since early this morning. Everyone would try and help her out but she refused, politely of course, and continued to work. Ryuu, the Chief and Obi had all grown concerned as they had been with her the most during the day, but of course, Obi had gone to see the master to tell him about the red heads tendencies throughout the day and with his detailed explanation, as well as exaggeration, filling Zen with worry. Was Shirayuki ok? Did he do something to make her avoid everyone, maybe?

"Do you know where she is?" Zen asked Obi. He thought for a moment.
"Last I saw her she was going into her room."
"Thank you." Zen hurried out of his study towards Shirayuki's room. He knocked on the door, one knock after the other. With no answer he began to panic.
'Maybe she's asleep.' He thought, trying to calm himself down a little. He pulled open the door, quietly in case she was asleep, only to find that the bed had not been touched and the window was open.

Next, he went to Ryuu and the Chief and asked if they knew where she were, receiving two tired shrugs.
"Sorry," He said to the both of them and went to find Kiki and Mitsuhide.

"Zen," Kiki began from behind him.
"Kiki, thank god you're here!"
"Why do you look so...freaked?"
"It's Shirayuki, I cant find her anywhere!"
"I'm sure she's fine," said Mitsuhide, only now joining the conversation.
"But what if she isn't!"
"We'll go and find her, OK." And with that, they set off on the hunt to find the red headed girl.

Shirayuki's POV
I've never seen so many rare and beautiful herbs and flowers in one place before, that is until I came here. It really is amazing. Everyone is asleep so it's quiet and peaceful, midnight is a lovely time to be awake. The stars are hypnotic, not as much as Zen's eyes are though. His eyes are a beautiful shade of blue, always glistening, even in a dimly lit room with only a small flame to shine on it's walls.
I have never known anyone to be so beautiful, inside and out. He was the one who told me that my hair means fate, that it may not seem like it now but everything will be great. He gives me hope. So much of it, sometimes I feel that I may explode.

Wow, Zen truly is distracting. Back to the herbs.

"Shirayuki!" I turn around to see the love of my life. "Shirayuki, are you OK?!"
"I'm fine." I say politely. "Just studying some herbs." He chuckles, slightly out of breath. "What are you doing up so late?"
"I've been looking for you, though I could ask the same question. What are you doing up so late?"
"Well, me and Ryuu were looking at some herbs the other day and he mentioned something about the moon and how it can effect some of the plants, I wanted to see what kind of effect the moon could have and collect some of them to test."
"All this in the middle of the night?" He asked.
"It's for research," I chuckled. "So why were you so desperate to find me?" Zen's cheeks began to glow.
"I was worried about you," He began. "And Obi told me how much work you've been doing today and how stubborn you were, he made it sound like you were upset so I wanted to check on you,"
"And when I got to your room, well you weren't there and your window was open so I started to panic. I've been running around ever since." I started to blush, I could feel my cheeks heating up. "I'm so glad you're OK, you are OK right?"
"Yes Zen, I'm OK." I smiled. He really was worried about me.

I was about to turn around to pick up my basket when I was pulled towards someone. Zen had wrapped his arms around me and was leaning his head on my shoulder, his grip around me growing tighter. I tucked my head into his arm and took a moment to relax.

"I'm sorry for making you worry, Zen." I whispered.
"I'm just glad you're ok," he whispered back into my ear, his warm breath against my neck.
I wrapped my arms tightly around him, afraid that this embrace may end too soon.
Eventually we moved away from one another.

"I have something to tell you." We said together.
"You first," I politely requested.
"Are you sure?" He asked.

Zen took my hand and began leading me through the castle to a delicate balcony with an incredible view of Clarines. I stood in awe and stared out into the world that stood before me.

"It's beautiful, how come I've never seen this before?"
"It's delicate build wasn't appreciated by a lot of people and is rarely ever used. This is my favourite part of the castle."
"I can see why."
Zen sighed and took my other hand, gaining all of my attention.
"Shirayuki, we've known each other for quite a while now," he began nervously. "I'm not entirely sure that you'd feel the same way or feel comfortable quite yet with what I'm about to say but I have to say this." I began to get nervous, what is he saying?
"Yes, Zen?"
"Shirayuki, I love you." I couldn't believe it, what he said just now. 'I love you' I've been wanting to say that now for so long. He feels the same way. This excitement could never compare to anything else. It seemed like I froze in shock, obviously for too long.
"Shirayuki? I'm sorry if it's too much for you," I started laughing a little. "What?" He questioned quietly to himself. "Did I say something funny?" "Are you ok?"
I jumped into his arms and squeezed him before jumping off and whispering in his ear, "I love you too." Zen now began laughing, almost like it was relief that I love him too. He lifted up my chin with his finger and pulled me towards him with his arm, placing his perfect royal lips on mine. I really do love him, and he really does love me.

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