Chapter 31 - The End

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Okay so last chapter, my heart is breaking and I'm nearly shaking... That rhymed! 😎 but anyway, it's sad to see it go but thanks to everyone how has supported the book by adding and voting and commenting thanks so much, I've done pretty well, from a dream to an actual book, I'm happy with that, oh and sorry about the late update I know I'm three days late but stupid Variety night, stupid dancing and singing and guitar UGH! anyway let the chapter begin.....

I make it back to the hotel room in one piece and pull open the door a smile widely plastered on my face.

"Matt, we are getting married I know-" there's no one there damn it, I glance around the room and see a white piece of paper balancing on the tabletop.

I walk over and unfold it,

'Meet me at the studio, two o'clock'

Well that explained everything.

I quickly leave again and hop back in the car.

Why would he want to me there?

What if he's breaking up with me?

Oh no.

Me and my big fat mouth, why can't I just keep it shut!

I drive up the drive way of the studio and pull open the giant door.

It's black.

"Ugh" I sigh fiddling around for a light switch.

I eventually find one and reach for it, I step forward and accidentally step on a box I go tumbling forward crashing into a bucket and mop, flicking the switch as I do.

The lights flick on and I roll over to see a giant sign hanging from the wall,

'Please will you stay with me forever and always'

"Hazel!" Matt cries running over and helping me up, he's wearing a black suit and has a red rose in his top pocket.

"Did I just ruin another romantic geustrue?" I asks embarrassed,

"Yes, you truly did," he laughs "but I don't care, just as long as you spend every last second with me forever and always,"

"Matt, I want to be with you forever, and I will marry you, I've had to think about this for awhile, but I realized why I was afraid, my parents split up and I was afraid every love I ever had would do the same, but that's not true, break ups aren't contagious," I laugh placing my arms on his waist.

"You will marry me?" Matt asks placing his hands on my hips.

"Of course," I smile wider than ever before.

"Then let me do this properly," Matt says going down on one knee revealing a small ring box from his left inside pocket,

"OMG," I laugh,

"Will you marry me?" Matt asks me, opening the box to reveal the most beautifulest ring I have ever seen in my whole life it's beautful.

I gasp, looking him the eyes happily "how many times do I have to say yes?" I laugh

"God I love you," Matt smiles, standing up and kissing me on lips,

"Forget god, your marring me buddy" I say continuing to kiss me.

"You drive me crazy" Matt exclaims

"No you drive me crazy!" I reply holding him as close as ever possible.

I'm never ever letting him go.


I guess I know what the rest of my life will be like, and I like that,

I'll be driving him crazy while he drives me crazy.

The way it should be.



it's over...... :(

I'm happy because they solved their problems but I'm sad that it's over.....

Thank you to everyone who has read this book, it is amazing and makes me smile,

Oh and a special thanks to these people who have some of the most amazing meaningful comments and ideas...





Goodbye from your proud writer Sarah Jane Buchecker a.k.a ChickenPond79 or MoffatMonsterJnr!


oh and picture to the side of Hazel (Isabelle Cornish)

Driving Him Crazy while Driving Her Crazy! (Matt Smith FanFiction) ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now