XIII | thirteen

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Even after we exit the shack, I feel the familiar block of fear settled in my stomach. The Mimic's words sit uncomfortably in my chest, and the urge to scream in frustration is overwhelming, making my eyes water and throat tight. If Ellis is at all phased by the conversation with the Mimic, he doesn't show it. He walks beside me with the same confident and careless stride as we head back towards the center of the village.

The deal with the Mimic is settled; it will work for the Freemen as long as its needs are met and its freedom is promised once the war is over. Surprisingly, for being held captive and sworn into working for us, the creature seemed nonchalant about the whole ordeal. But I imagine that's how a wolf among a heard of sheep should feel. What I'm not sure of is how exactly we know it's telling the truth, but Ellis didn't seem worried and I assume it has something to do with the bracelet Ellis forcibly locked onto its wrist. Either way, I sure didn't need to add another thing to stress over to my list. It has become long enough. Besides, if the Mimic somehow goes back on its deal and escapes, it won't be a problem of mine.

"For later reference,"  Ellis suddenly begins, making me jump. His voice seems to carry in every direction through the trees and I have a strong urge to shush him, "when I tell you to do something, you should do it."

"I don't like being told what to do," I reply defensively, trying my best to swallow down much harsher words. I know I'm not actually angry at him, and that he even has a point, but every bone in my body is yelling at me to lash out, and he is simply the closest to me.

"Well, Alycia, I'm not doing it to spite you, I'm doing it to keep you safe," he snaps, sounding genuinely annoyed. My anger flares up in response, and this time I don't bother tamping it down.

"None of us are safe," I snap, turning to face him, "I'm not, my family isn't, and you aren't. This is all so stupid, the Mimic is right," surprise lights up his features at my words, and even I feel a bit stunned at how much I mean it, but I force myself to press on without thinking too much about it. "In the end, life and death are the only things that matter and I rather not spend my life or lose my family's lives over a war that has nothing to do with us."

"How does it have nothing to do with you? You are the true heir, your mother was queen. It's your home. It has everything to do with you. And what about the people there? You wish to leave them under such an evil rule?" Ellis's confusion is evident, and I can tell by the way he's looking at me that he wants to try to shake some sense into me. Why does a pirate care so much about the opinion of one girl on a kingdom that he has no claim to? Or even the lives of people he has never met? Truthfully, the thought that a pirate seems more concerned about this than I do makes me cringe inside.

I can't help but to look away, suddenly unable to meet his gaze. I take a deep breath and welcome the cold sting of the air in my lungs. Just as fast as it had come, the anger disappears, leaving me feeling confused and drained."I don't know," I say truthfully, burying my face in my hands. This is just all too much. Just a few days ago I didn't have to worry about anything but getting through the winter, and now it's all of this on top of grieving for David, which I feel as if I haven't even gotten to properly do. I know my concern is my family, and it angers me that we have been brought into such a mess, one that could end very badly for the people that I love. And for one, it already has. But I also recognize that the things going on in Pramira are dangerous and cruel, something that should be put an end to so no one has to suffer at the hands of Lavina again. I just never thought it would be us to have to do it.

Ellis gently pulls my hands away. "It's a lot, I can see that. This can only be taken one step at a time and that is something you should allow your mind to do as well. Try not to devour it all at once."

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