Big News

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Guess who became an aunt a good 2 months ago and is more sleep deprived than ever? ( ^ω^)



My nephew is the cutest thing ever and I love him so much, I don't even care that I have to help change diapers for a few years jdowkvkd

MY DAD CRIED, I CRIED, MY SISTER OBVIOUSLY CRIED, this is probably the best thing to happen to us in years

Anyways, hehe I know that I've been gone for 100 years but I've been really unmotivated lately ahh

I know I should be all fired up and ready to go now that it's summer but guess what?? I hAvE sUmMeR sChOoL dhelelsheh BECAUSE I WAS TOO LAZY TO DO HOMEWORK AND NOW I'M PAYING THE PRICE

And all I've been doing these past few months is going to school, taking care of my nephew since everyone else doesn't have time, and reading. Whenever I draw something it looks UGLY because everything sucKs.

But I swEar I'm tryinggg

So here are a few old drawings along with some new ones I think, idk I've completely lost my sense of space and time, left forever wandering in the void

So here are a few old drawings along with some new ones I think, idk I've completely lost my sense of space and time, left forever wandering in the void

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I don't know, I actually don't like it too much but I have to post something so

I don't know, I actually don't like it too much but I have to post something so╮(╯▽╰)╭______________

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This..... is murder. Once upon a time I was proud of this but now I want to punch it's face. You know, the usual

Are you tired of looking at eyes?? Well I'm tired of drawing theM

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Are you tired of looking at eyes?? Well I'm tired of drawing theM. I've just been lost in some terrible art block and when that happens, I draw things like this. I will try my best to come up with something more creative in the future, and I also plan to draw BTS so stay tuned ;)

As always, Thanks for reading ~

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