Chapter 5 The Night

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There stood Azami with another guy holding Miku. Miku looked up and her eyes said everything. They said 'Chihiro she came and robbed me every day.... She only took food. Chihiro I'm sorry for a welcome like this,' tears formed in Miku's eyes. Chihiro then looked at Azami smiling and glared at her. Chihiro thought hoping Haku would here her. 'Haku please don't get out of there I'll do this myself please don't worry,' and then went down stairs. Haku did hear and sat there his ear against the door.

"Azami you weren't invited her get out!" Chihiro said coldly.

"Or what?" Azami laughed. Chihiro smiled an evil smile.

"I do have a phone, and there's people called the police, and many more people who can deal with you," Chihiro was confident then ever.

"Is that so? Can't we get along? We were such good friends what happened." Azami asked still smiling.

"Just.... Get out of here!" Chihiro was getting angry.

"Or do you want me calling someone who can get you out if here and deal with you!?" Chihiro spat yelling in her face. Azami's smile dropped. Azami knew something happened. And she knew she was no worthy enemy against her.

"Fine... Let her go," Azami sighed defeat I'm her eyes. The man out down Miku and they left with only Miku and Chihiro in the room. Chihiro then ran and locked the door. Miku was looking down.

"Sorry to cause you trouble," Miku had tears in her eyes.

"Miku your my friend I would go through any troubles with you, as long as your okay," Chihiro smiled giving her friend a hug.

"Chihiro thank you, whenever I feel like the world turned away from me there's you right before me, thank you," Miku smiled. Chihiro smiled back.

"Here go sit down I want you to meet someone," Chihiro smiled.

"alright!" Miku exclaimed excitingly changing her mood quickly. Chihiro smiled at her positive friend. Chihiro went upstairs and opened the door. Haku was quietly sitting beside her bed.

"Haku.. Come on meet my friend!" Chihiro smiled. Haku looked up slowly.

"What happened?" Haku asked ignoring her invitation.

"Can I tell you later please Haku?" Chihiro asked. Haku slowly got up to his feet.

"Fine but promise me we will tall about this later," Haku agreed.

"Fine... Let's go!" Chihiro agreed jumping up excitingly. Haku slightly smiled. Chihiro grabbed Haku and pulled him with her. Both went downstairs. Chihiro and Haku stopped beside the table.

"Miku!" Chihiro called out. Miku quickly woke up.

"What! I wasn't sleeping!" Miku startled then slumped back rubbing her eyes.

"Whose he?" Miku pointed at Haku.

"Miku this is Kohaku everyone calls him Haku, Haku this is Miku," Chihiro answered introducing them to each other.

"Nice to meet you Miku," Haku bowed.

"Nice to meet you too... Wait I remember your voice from somewhere.." Miku trailed off.

"Remember when I was upset from Azami and we both heard a voice?" Chihiro asked.

"Mhm. Why you asking?" Miku nodded.

"This is the voice Haku said it. He didn't know though we would hear it..." Chihiro explained looking at Haku.

"Also remember that story that the middle part of in my memory was gone?" Chihiro also asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Miku asked.

"Me and parents went in and eat the food..." Chihiro told the story and that she accidentally went back in.

"Ooooooh!" Miku smiled crossing her arms giving Chihiro "the smile".

"i-its not like that..." Chihiro said blushing. Haku was confused. He reached out to Chihiro's hand and carefully took in his. Haku gently squeezed her hand, Chihiro squeezed it back.

"So how long is he gonna stay?" Miku asked still giving Chihiro "the smile".

"About a week," Haku answered.

"I'm hungry we should get cooking," Chihiro said.

"I'm gonna cook!" Haku volunteered facing the stove. Chihiro's eyes widen and she grabbed his arm and pulled back sitting him down.

"No no no! Absolutely not! Your the guest and Miku's tired so I'll cook!" Chihiro said.

"You can't cook that well..." Miku said quietly everyone hearing her. Haku gave Chihiro the winner look. Chihiro sighed looking defeated.

"Fine just don't burn down the house.." Chihiro said. Haku got up.

"You also deserve a break. With all if this what you told me you need a rest," Haku whispered in her ear. Chihiro sighed.

"I know...." Chihiro said. Haku sat her down and gave her a kiss in the cheek and went to cook.

"Awww your so lovey dovey with each other," Miku chuckled making fun of the couple. Both Haku and Chihiro froze. Chihiro gave Miku a very tired but deadly look. Miku started laughing then it clicked in Chihiro's head.

"At least we're not depressed or crying," Chihiro gave a small but real smile. Miku stopped laughing.

"Mhm, your right, your Haku here brought good luck didn't he?" Miku smiled laughing a little. Haku and Chihiro blushed.

"He's, not mine...." Chihiro mumbled.

"Hey Chihiro did you tell her I'm not human?" Haku asked.

"No.. Why?" Chihiro asked.

"Miku, I'm actually a river spirit, I am I dragon my true form is a dragon." Haku explained.

"Really!!!? You have to show me sometime! That means Chihiro! Haku's your dragon!" Miku shouted excitingly. Chihiro sighed no way arguing with her she'd win. Chihiro laid her head on the table.

"Chihiro are you tired?" Haku asked worriedly.

"Kinda but I can wait it's okay," Chihiro smiled a weak smile. Haku finished cooking and the three had dinner.

"I'll sleep on the couch," Haku informed making his way to a nearby couch.

"No its okay, you can sleep with us or in the guest room, make yourself comfortable," Chihiro said.

"alright..." Haku agreed tiredly.

"Awww the cute little dragon's tired?" Miku laughed.

"Miku...." Chihiro started. A little later the three were in Chihiro's room and Haku won by insisting on sleeping on the floor. A little later Chihiro got up for a drink and so did Miku.

"Chihiro I envy you..."  Miku said quietly.

"Why?" Chihiro asked.

"Haku, he loves you so much, and you have many friends but they just don't live near here.." Miku explained. Chihiro gave a faint smile.

"Maybe someday I'll take you with me if Haku allows." Chihiro smiled. Miku brighten up.

"What! Really!?" Miku shouted excitingly. Chihiro put a finger over her lips gesturing 'be quite'.

"Shhh, maybe." Chihiro said.

"Heh, sorry." Miku smiled. Miku then went to bed after a small chat with Chihiro so did Chihiro.

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