Chapter One

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I quickly zipped through the crowded halls of Derry Junior High School in search of the nearest bathroom. I could feel the unpleasant sensation of blood leaking. Why hadn't I worn a tampon like mom suggested? As I quickly shuffled up the stairs, I accidentally bumped the shoulder of a skinny, curly haired boy with a Yarmulke placed atop his head.

"S-sorry." I mumbled out, my increasing anxiety levels getting the better of me. I reached the top of the steps, and I saw the hallway leading to the girls bathroom. Hallelujah, right? As I walked inside, the first thing I noticed was the smell of smoke. Then I saw the lovely Gretta Keene and her companions. As much as I would love to avoid her like the plague right now, I really needed to get into a stall.

"Which is it, Greta?" An unfamiliar voice came from the first stall. "Am I a slut or a little shit? Make up your mind." She grumbled. I let out a small snicker. Greta whipped her head towards me, and I quickly realized my error as my eyes grew wide with fear.

"You think this is funny?" She said as a statement more of a question. I pursued my lips together.

"Mmm mmm. Nope." I said as I shook my head 'no.' She smiled a wicked smile, and turned her head back to the stall.

"You hear that, slut? Your girlfriend thinks you're funny." She looked up at the other girl who was standing on a toilet with a trash bag in her hand, then nodded. "You're trash. We just wanted to remind you," With that, the girl dumped out the contents of the trash bag into the stall. I gagged. I could smell it. "At least now you'll smell better. Have a nice summer, Beaver-ly." Greta turned towards me, and I just kind of awkwardly stood there with my hand over my mouth in disgust. She harshly bumped into my shoulder. What was the point of doing that? Not only does it hurt the person you're doing it to, but it hurts you. And it's just immature! Anywho, I walked over to the stall.

"Uhm... they're gone now," I said quietly to the person in the stall. "It's just me." I said. I heard the girl shuffling around, and then stand up. I backed up over to the sinks as she opened the door. The second I saw her, my heart skipped a beat when I realized the girl I had been talking to was Beverly Marsh. That should have been obvious with the nickname Greta had given her.

"You okay there? You're drooling." The redhead joked as I stared at her. I quickly snapped out of my trance and shook my head.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm great. Uh, what about you?" I asked awkwardly. She chuckled, and a swarm of butterflies erupted in my stomach. That damn smile always gave me a heart attack. It was so beautiful.

"I'm... pretty okay." She replied as she washed her hands to get the trash junk off. I watched her for some strange reason, then she turned to me. "You're (Y/N), right?" She asked, a light smile across her features. If I wasn't blushing before, I definitely was now. I nodded.

"Yup, and you're Beverly. We had Art together." I said to her. We said our goodbyes, and I watched her go. For a few moments, I just stood by the sinks before remembering why I came in here.


After I finished what I needed to do, I made my way out the front doors. The hot Summer air was mildly unpleasant, but not unwelcome. It was a nice change from the bitter cold winter. I looked around, and saw a few boys emptying out their bags into a trash bin. Without really thinking, I walked over to the quartet.

"Beats spending it inside of your mother." Is all I heard when I slung my bag over my shoulder, and chucked the whole thing into the trash (except for the year book, which I had previously removed). It was getting old, and the pocket on the right had torn out. Not to mention, there was a lovely little stain on the bottom from when I forgot to put the lid on my lunchbox at one point.

A Spark of Adoration (Beverly Marsh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now